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男性的肾比女性脆弱的原因找到了:和性激素有关 | Developmental Cell

2023/9/18 15:46:12  阅读:39 发布者:

众所周知,女性肾脏对疾病和损伤的抵抗力更强,但男性也不必失望。由美国南加州大学(University of Southern California)干细胞研究中心领导的一项发表在《发育细胞》(Developmental Cell)的新研究不仅描述了性激素如何造成雄性和雌性小鼠肾脏的差异,还阐述了降低睾酮水平令该器官“雌性化”并提高复原力的方法。

该项研究的通讯作者、南加州大学凯克医学院伊莱和艾迪斯-布罗德再生医学和干细胞研究中心(Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at the Keck School of Medicine of USC)主任 Andy McMahon 教授表示:“通过探究雄性和雌性肾脏在发育过程中的差异表现,我们可以更好地了解如何解决肾病患者与性别相关的健康差距。”

论文共同第一作者、McMahon 实验室的 Lingyun "Ivy" XiongJing Liu,及其合作者在一项由美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)资助的研究中发现,在雄性和雌性小鼠肾脏中,1000 多个基因表现出了不同活性水平。这些基因活性差异在近端肾小管(肾脏过滤单元组成部分)最为明显,该组成部分负责重吸收葡萄糖和氨基酸等大部分营养物质进入血液循环。不同性别之间的基因活性差异大多在小鼠进入青春期时开始显现,并在性成熟时变得更为明显。

由于雌性肾脏在应对疾病或损伤时往往表现得更好,研究人员对肾脏基因活动如何 “雌性化”或 “雄性化”产生了兴趣——睾酮似乎是罪魁祸首。


有趣的是,限制热量饮食 3 个月作为一种间接降低睾酮水平的方法,也可产生类似的肾脏雌性化效果。相应地,限制饮食热量已经被证明可以减轻某些类型的小鼠肾损伤。




McMahon 表示:“在探究正常人类肾脏的性别差异性方面,我们还有许多工作要做。”鉴于男性和女性患者的肾脏疾病和损伤预后不同,这一研究方向对于缩小与性别相关的健康差距具有重要意义。




【标题】Direct androgen receptor control of sexually dimorphic gene expression in the mammalian kidney

【作者】Lingyun Xiong, Jing Liu, Seung Yub Han, Kari Koppitch, Jin-Jin Guo, Megan Rommelfanger, Zhen Miao, Fan Gao, Ingileif B. Hallgrimsdottir, Lior Pachter, Junhyong Kim, Adam L. MacLean, Andrew P. McMahon

【期刊】Developmental Cell

【日期】5 September 2023


【摘要】Mammalian organs exhibit distinct physiology, disease susceptibility, and injury responses between the sexes. In the mouse kidney, sexually dimorphic gene activity maps predominantly to proximal tubule (PT) segments. Bulk RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data demonstrated that sex differences were established from 4 and 8 weeks after birth under gonadal control. Hormone injection studies and genetic removal of androgen and estrogen receptors demonstrated androgen receptor (AR)-mediated regulation of gene activity in PT cells as the regulatory mechanism. Interestingly, caloric restriction feminizes the male kidney. Single-nuclear multiomic analysis identified putative cis-regulatory regions and cooperating factors mediating PT responses to AR activity in the mouse kidney. In the human kidney, a limited set of genes showed conserved sex-linked regulation, whereas analysis of the mouse liver underscored organ-specific differences in the regulation of sexually dimorphic gene expression. These findings raise interesting questions on the evolution, physiological significance, disease, and metabolic linkage of sexually dimorphic gene activity.




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