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2023/2/7 17:44:19  阅读:179 发布者:

作者 / 七八分

公众号 /  叮当学术



运行Schrodinger Power Shell,输入命令进入结构文件所在的路径,如:

cd E:\Directory\TargetFishing\Test


generate_glide_grids -h


$SCHRODINGER/utilities/generate_glide_grids [options]


Generates Glide grids based on the specified options.

Box center must be specified as either x,y,z coordinates (-cent_coor

option), ligand ASL (-lig_asl), or by residues ASL (-res_asl).

Ligand ASL and residues ASL are equivalent, except that with the ligand ASL

the matching atoms are removed before generating the grids.

Constraints string is formatted by:

label1#atomnum1:label2#atomnum2:label3#atomnum3 ... etc.

#### Input File ####

To generate more than one grid, an input file can be specified. The input

file should contain a line for each grid. Each line should contain command

arguments required to run that job.

For example, the input file can be as follows (CSV format):



structure2.mae,,"mol.num 1",

structure3.mae,,,"res.num 101,102"

*Note: Number of elements in each grid line must match the number of elements

in the header


The grid generation jobs will be run consecutively (i.e. can't be run in



  -v, -version          Show the program's version and exit.

  -h, -help             Show this help message and exit.

  -rec_file REC_FILE    Receptor structure path.

  -cent_coor CENT_COOR  Coordinates of the box center in format 'X,Y,Z'

  -lig_asl LIG_ASL      ASL for atoms that are to be used to determine the box

                        center. These atoms will be removed before generating


  -res_asl RES_ASL      ASL for atoms that are to be used to determine the box

                        center. The atoms will not be removed.

  -flex_asl FLEX_ASL    ASL defining flexible receptor atoms. NOTE: If ligand

                        is being removed, this ASL may no longer match the

                        same atoms.

  -inner_box INNER_BOX  Inner box size. (default 10)

  -outer_box OUTER_BOX  Outer box size(default 30.0 if -lig_asl was not

                        specified. If it was, then is derived from the ligand


  -hbond_cons HBOND_CONS

                        String of colon-separated H-bond constraints to use.

                        Each 'constraint' is a string of 'label#anum'.



  -vscale VSCALE        Receptor van der Waals radius scaling factor. (default


  -ccut CCUT            Receptor van der Waals partial charge cutoff. (default


  -forcefield FFIELD    Forcefield to be used. If no forcefield is given, the

                        default OPLS forcefield will be used.

  -j JOBNAME            Job name to use.

  -verbose              Print debug output.

  -write_in             Write the Glide *.inp file, but do not run jobs.

  Job Control Options:

    -LOCAL              Do not use a temporary directory for job files. Keep

                        files in the current directory.

  Job Control Options:

    -HOST    Run job remotely on the indicated host entry.

    -WAIT               Do not return a prompt until the job completes.

    -NOLOCAL            Use a temporary directory for job files.

    -D, -DEBUG          Show details of Job Control operation.

    -NOJOBID            Run the job directly, without Job Control layer.





之后将文件另存为.csv格式文件即可,本例中为“Grid.csv”;然后在Schrodinger Power Shell中输入以下命令即可:

generate_glide_grids Grid.csv





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