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2023/9/19 15:10:01  阅读:42 发布者:




1the attitude to learning 学习态度

2the effective way to do sth.  做某事的有效方法

3enlarge ones vocabulary  扩大词汇量

4broaden ones horizons  开阔视野

5oral/spoken English  英语口语

6English corner  英语角

7equip...with ...  使……具备……

8develop ones interest  培养兴趣

9form the habit of reading  养成阅读习惯

10make full use of  充分利用

11give up  放弃

12Practice makes perfect.  熟能生巧。

13refer to/consult a dictionary  查词典

14express oneself in English fluently


15give sb. some advice on ...  关于……给某人提出建议

16make great progress in  在……取得很大进步

17build up ones confidence  增强自信心

18have a good command of ...  精通……

19make sense of  弄懂,理解

20concentrate on  集中注意力于

21learn by heart  用心记

22benefit from ...  从……获益

23pick up  偶然学会

24step by step  逐步地

1As the world is becoming a global village, English is getting more and more important. So mastering English means we can see the world through a new window.


2Only by learning English  can we broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge in various fields.


3They think learning English is one of the demands of modern society and will do good to our future career.


4We are supposed to learn English well because having a good command of English means more opportunities in the future.我们理应学好英语,因为精通英语意味着在将来有更多的机会。

5First of all, you should read English aloud as often as possible, for this can develop your sense of language.


6There are several tips on how to learn English well.Firstly, you should spare no effort to read interesting English news, which can help you increase your interest in English.有很多关于如何学好英语的建议。首先,你应当不遗余力地阅读有趣的英语新闻,这有助于提高你对英语的兴趣。


1school dining hall 学生食堂

2teaching building  教学楼

3lecture theatre  阶梯教室

4the StudentsUnion  学生会

5social practice  社会实践

6part­ time jobs  兼职工作

7vacation jobs  假期工作

8prepare for lessons  预习功课

9put ones heart into  专心于

10give a lecture   做讲座;做演讲

11graduation ceremony  毕业典礼

12Englishevening  英语晚会

13after­ school activities  课外活动

14voluntary labor  义务劳动

15physical activities  体育活动

16havea party  举行晚会

17holda sports meeting  举行运动会

18keep...in mind  记住……

19get/takethe first place in the English speech contest


20acquire knowledge   学习知识

21take physical exercise   进行体育锻炼

22academic record/achievement   学习成绩

23studypressure   学习压力

1Pleaseactively take part in after­class activities, which will not only make yourschool life colorful, but also improve your learning.请积极参加课外活动,这不仅可以使你的学校生活丰富多彩,而且还可以促进你的学习。

2Inorder to make our school life colorful and meaningful, our school has decidedto organize a sports meeting.


3Theactivity benefited us a lot.Not only did it get us close to nature and give usrelaxation from heavy school­work, it also promoted the friendship among us.


4Inresponse to the Sunshine Sports Activities launched by our school, we haveorganized long­distance running in the morning.为了响应学校发起的“阳光体育活动”,我们在早晨组织了长跑活动。

5Inthe past three years, Ivebenefited a lot from my school education, which helps me grow into anindependent thinker and an efficient learner, and prepare for the future.在过去的三年时间里,学校教育让我获益匪浅,使我学会独立思考,学习有效率,为未来做好了准备。


1be born in ... 出生于……

2graduate from ...  毕业于……

3be fond of swimming  喜欢游泳

4speak English fluently  说流利的英语

5be determined to be a nurse   决心做一名护士

6have patience and confidence   具有耐心和自信心

7look forward to studying here  希望能在这里学习

8devote all ones life to science   一生奉献于科学

9apply for the university   申请这所大学

10employ new part­time editors   雇用新的兼职编辑

11be well ­known in ...  在……方面很出名

12have a good habit of study  有良好的学习习惯

13learn a lot from ...  从……身上学到很多

14exchange learning experience   交流学习经验

15have no work experience   没有工作经验

16be popular with sb.  受到某人的欢迎

17achieve/win international fame   获得国际声誉

18do well in all subjects   各科成绩优秀

19be interested in music   对音乐有兴趣

20make  his classes lively and interesting


21in ones spare time   在某人的业余时间

22be qualified for the job   胜任这个工作

23very friendly and generous   待人友善且慷慨大方

24an open­minded and optimistic boy


25be strict with students   对学生要求严格

26have the language advantage over ...


1She is fond of sports and is good at singing.


2Li Hua, an excellent teacher as well as a trust­ worthy friend aged 35, has been an English teacher for 10 years.


3I once worked as a tour guide for a travel agency for two months and was highly praised for my good service awareness and team spirit.


4I attended the 2017 National English Summer Camp for Middle School Students.


5Besides teaching, you will also work as an advisor to our StudentsEnglish club or our schools English newspaper.


6I sincerely hope you can accept my application.


7If I can work for our school, it would be an honor for me.



1get on/along well with sb.   与某人相处融洽

2be in harmony with ...  与……和谐相处/协调

3be on good terms with sb.  与某人关系好

4fit in with  与……相适应、相融洽

5make friends with sb.  和某人交朋友

6keep in touch with sb.  与某人保持联系

7promote friendship with ...  增进同……的友谊

8be ready to help others  乐于助人

9help sb.out  帮助某人摆脱困境

10turn to sb.for help  向某人求助

11be concerned for/about  对……担心

12care about sb.  关心某人

13show respect for sb.  尊重某人

14make an apology to sb.for ...  为……向某人道歉

15trust each other  相互信任

16improve the relationship  改善关系

17establish good interpersonal relationships


18arise from ...  由……引起/产生

19be to blame  (对坏事)负有责任

20a lack of understanding  缺乏理解

21feel lonely  感到孤独

22learn from each other  彼此相互学习

23communicate with sb.  与某人交流

24be rude/kind tosb.  对某人无礼/和蔼可亲

1As far as Im concerned, to build a good relationship, we should trust each other first.


2As the old saying goes, A friend in need is a friend indeed.


3As we all know, making friends can help us establish good interpersonal relationships, and build a harmonious society.众所周知,交友有助于我们建立良好的人际关系,也有利于构建和谐社会。

4In my opinion, this relationship should be filled with love, care, understanding, and respect, so we can exchange ideas freely and get along well with each other.


5It was your help and kindness that made my study and life in the UK special and enjoyable.正是你的帮助和关怀让我在英国的学习和生活既特别又快乐。

6I hope we can keep in touch so that we can communicate with each other to know more about the Chinese and British culture.


7Im sorry to have quarrelled with you about knocking you down the day before yesterday.I feel that its not necessary for me to do that, so I make a sincere apology to you and hope that you will forgive me.



1be fond of 喜欢

2have a taste for  爱好;对……有兴趣

3come to like  逐渐喜欢

4develop an interest in ...  培养在……方面的兴趣

5have a preference for  偏爱……

6enjoy popular music  喜欢流行音乐

7increase ones interest in ...  提高某人对……的兴趣

8be popular with ...  受……的欢迎

9appeal to  吸引

10take advantage of  利用

11have an eye for ...  对……有鉴赏力

12get relaxed and refreshed  放松而又精力充沛

13reduce my stress from my work


14be of benefit to ...  对……有好处

15participate in  参加

16take regular exercise  经常锻炼

17enrich ones life  丰富某人的生活

18surf the Internet  上网

19chat online  在线聊天

20play musical instrument  弹奏乐器

21play the guitar/piano/violin  弹吉他/弹钢琴/拉小提琴

22go sightseeing/camping  去观光/野营

23take up  开始从事(某职业等)

24vary from person to person  因人而异

25attract ones interest/attention 引起某人的兴趣/注意

1I enjoy my hobby.It offers me an opportunity to do something interesting and creative.Meanwhile, it provides me with a source of pleasure.


2As for my hobby, Im keen on playing football, which makes it possible for me to make more friends with the same interest


3My favorite hobby is reading books and newspapers, which has become a necessary part of my daily life.


4I join the basketball team, where I not only learn the importance of teamwork but also strengthen my body, which is of great benefit to my mental as well as physical health.


5Watching TV can bring us a lot of pleasure and teach us a lot of knowledge, but spending too much time on it may do harm to our eyes and make us tired.So we should do sports at times when we are free from work.


6Fishing is my favorite, for it is both fun and instructive, which has helped me improve my power of controlling myself.钓鱼是我的最爱,因为它既有趣又有教育意义,钓鱼有助于提高自我约束力。


1drive to work  开车上班

2communicate with parents    与父母交流

3square dancing   广场舞

4be busy/occupied with   忙于

5stay up late   熬夜

6come up with a general plan   提出一个总体规划

7take out door activities   参加户外活动

8take a proper lunch break   适当的午休

9manage time properly   合理利用时间

10adjust our routines   调整我们的例程

11affect peoples normal life and studies影响人们的正常生活与学习

12limit their dancing time   限制他们的跳舞时间

13walk an average of half an hour a day


14take public transport/transportation  乘坐公交

15make a detailed and practical plan 制订一个详细可行的计划

16prepare for the College Entrance Examination为高考做准备

17be used/accustomed to doing sth.  习惯于做某事

18improve our work efficiency 提高我们的工作效率

19join in a talent show  参加才艺表演

20have a picnic on the weekend  周末去野餐

1With society becoming increasingly competitive, efficiency is the key to success.


2Everyone is expected to be part of the event which encourages creative minds and gives full play to your DIY skills.


3My father is in favor of the view of my living at schoolwhich can help save a lot of time.


4From where I stand, square dancing has a bad impact on peoples normal life and studies.在我看来,广场舞对人们的正常生活和学习有不良的影响。

5Im convinced that eating together with our family is the perfect time for us to communicate with our parents.


6Im interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life.


7Im going to get together with my senior high schoolmates this weekend.



1be grateful to sb.for sth. 因某事对某人很感激

2be willing to do sth.  乐意做某事

3be proud of ...  为……感到骄傲

4be satisfied with ...  对……感到满意

5be disappointed with ...  对……感到失望

6be worried about ...  担心……

7be concerned about ...  在乎/担心……

8be angry with sb.about sth.  因某事而生某人的气

9bring happiness to ...  给……带来欢乐

10cant wait to do sth.  迫不及待去做某事

11lose heart  失去信心

12lose oneself  迷失自我

13make sb. annoyed  让某人生气

14pleasemy parents  让我的父母高兴

15praise sb.for sth.  因某事赞扬某人

16grow up happily  快乐地成长

17express my gratitude to sb.  向某人表达我的感激之情

18have an enormous effect on ...  对……有巨大的影响

19think highly/well of  对……高度评价

20putyourself in his position  站在他的角度(考虑)

21reduce my parentsburden  减轻我父母的负担

22reward sb.with sth.  用某物报答某人

23share happiness and sorrows with sb.


24come to realize the importance of ...


1I can well remember there was a time when I felt upset and lost heart in study.


2It occurs to me that I once had an unforgettable experience of feeling home sick.


3In a word, only when we have a good mood every day can we grow up happily and healthily.


4I was deeply touched and grateful after I knew what my teacher had done for me.


5There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious wealth in the world.


6You were so kind and so warm to me, which made me feel as if I were at my own home.



1be buried in/be absorbed in 埋头于,专心于

2develop/form a good learning habit  培养好的学习习惯

3scientific learning methods  科学的学习方法

4take a positive attitude  采取积极的态度

5balance your study and life  平衡你的学习和生活

6combine learning with entertainment把学习和娱乐结合起来

7take notes   记笔记

8review/goover oneslessons  复习功课

9make preparations for ...  为……做准备

10take an exam  参加考试

11make progress in ...  在……方面取得进步

12further education  继续教育,进修

13achieve ones goal  实现目标

14the key to success  成功的关键

15pay off  取得成功,有所回报

16make up the exam  补考

17be addicted to  沉迷于

18lose heart  失去信心

19getfull marks  得满分

20have a talent/gift for  有……的天赋

1To some extent, I do understand our parentsconcerns, but I hope they will give us the freedom and chance to chase our dreams and learn by trial and error.


2As long as you keep practising, youll surely make steady progress in your study.


3Not only do books show us a broad world but also we can benefit from them all our lives.


4When faced with a difficulty, I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or web pages.


5As a matter of fact, the more a student is encouraged, the harder he will learn.


6Nowadays, the growth and education of children has been a heated topic of society and children have become the focus of families.


7Just as the picture shows, parents do their bit to do everything they can to help children succeed in their study and life, thus making many children seriously count on their parents and lack creativity.



1feel like doing sth.     想要做某事

2look forward to doing sth.  期望做某事

3be eager/anxious/dyingfor ...  渴望……

4in the hope that ...  抱着……的希望

5make arrangements for ...  为……做准备

6draw near/around the corner/be approaching


7set aside为……节省或保留(钱或时间)

8work as a volunteer  做一名志愿者

9take on a new look  呈现新面貌

10in favour of  支持;赞成

11in great need of  非常需要

12realize ones dream  实现某人的梦想

13on the one hand ...on the other hand ...


14in the eyes of ...  在……看来

15be fed up with  厌倦

16be prepared to do  准备做……

17decide/be determined to  决定

18mean/plan/intend todo  计划做……

19have a desire to do  渴望做……

20long/hope/wish/want to do  渴望/希望/想做

1Realizing the benefits and importance of this activity, I have a strong desire to participate in it.


2As a child I always hoped that I could grow up as soon as possible so that I could contribute to the construction of our country.


3Im determined to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save peoples lives but also they are doing a respectable job.Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge.


4I will make a 10­day tour of America after my graduation from senior high school this summer, which will be a good chance for me to experience American culture and practice my oral English.


5I want to register to attend a course about gardening because I have liked flowers and grasses since I was a child.


6If you do not have any prior appointment on June 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company.



1take place 发生,举行

2fall on   (节日)落在,适逢

3lunar calendar  农历

4in memory of in honor of  为了纪念;追念

5in praise of   歌颂

6in celebration of   为了庆祝……

7dress up as  打扮成……

8get together   聚会

9family reunion  家庭团聚

10enjoy the full moon  赏月

11a symbol of reunion  团圆的象征

12light the lantern  点灯笼

13National Day  国庆节

14TeachersDay   教师节

15the Mid-­Autumn Festival  中秋节

16the Spring Festival  春节

17the Lantern Festival  元宵节

18the Valentines Day  情人节

19World Sleep Day  世界睡眠日(321)

20World Water Day  世界水日(322)

21April FoolsDay  愚人节(41)

22Mothers Day  母亲节(5月的第2个星期日)

23Fathers Day  父亲节(6月的第3个星期日)

24Thanks giving Day  感恩节(11月的最后一个星期四)

1Its believed that the moon is a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune.


2In addition, not only should we spend some time with our family during festivals but it is these festivals that remind us to have more time with our family.


3Personally,I think the western festivals are romantic and exciting.


4From my perspective, I prefer the traditional Chinese festivals to western festivals.


5With Mothers Day approaching, we decided to hold a family party to celebrate the important day.


6Wang Hua, our monitor, presented Ms Li with the prepared flowers while some girls sang songs for her.




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