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2022/12/15 17:17:43  阅读:845 发布者:

卢森堡大学SIGCOMDr. Thang X. Vu 诚招一位全奖资助的博士生


1) 具有扎实的数学理论分析能力

2) 对无线通信系统有基本的了解,就是说大框架的东西,general的你要懂,不要求很深入,这个是基本盘

3) 对深度强化学习,尤其是多智能体协作的深度强化学习有深入的研究

4) 已经取得或者即将取得相关领域的硕士学位

5) 英语协作和口语水平能够达到有效交流的程序,卢森堡大学不需要雅思或者托福成绩,全凭面试的表现来决定你的英语水平


1) PhD在卢森堡是工作+学生双重身份,所以是发工资的,年薪是39900欧元,税后月薪大概在2600欧(单身),作为参考,租房+生活开销一个月在1000欧元左右,一年有220小时带薪休假,大约1个月。

2) Dr. Thang X. Vu 的人品很好,学术水平在线,是一位优质的合作者,大家可以放心,绝对不是那种无良导师。

3) SIGCOM组,PhD的毕业要求是3A rank的论文(这个rankSIGCOM自己的一份期刊会议目录,大概就是各种Trans Letter+ICC GLOBECOM这种级别的会议是A)。具体来说是2录用1再投就可以。因此,对大家的学术研究能力还是有要求的,大概保持每年完成一个完整工作的节奏。

4) SIGCOM组,大家的时间相对自由,没有各种打卡监督,全靠自觉,平时下班和周末假期,大家不会互相打扰。

感兴趣的,有信心匹配项目的同学可以直接点链接申请,无需额外联系Dr. Thang (如果你实在想发邮件聊聊也可以



PhD position: Risk-aware Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Techniques for Resources and Control Management in Multilayer Ground-Air-Space 6G Networks

Place: Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

Annual salary: 39900 EUR, fully funded for 4 years.

Apply: http://emea3.mrted.ly/39ekb

More information: Dr. Thang X. Vu, email: thang.vu@uni.lu.

Project description: The successful candidate is expected to work on the design of autonomous, safe and efficient collaborative transmission strategies based on Risk-aware Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for multilayer Ground-Air-Space 6G networks. The design strategies will be optimized for 1) RAN resource allocation, 2) 3D mobility management and 3) risk minimization to guarantee QoS constraints in dynamic environment. The research question is how to optimally design distributed communication strategies at every network node to safely and timely serve heterogeneous service types under highly dynamic environment. This will provide an efficient and distributed execution strategy for multi-agent systems under limited and error-prone communication networks, while fulfilling the vertical services requirements.

Qualification: The candidate should possess a Master degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalence.


The ideal candidate should have some knowledge and experience in a number of the following topics: Background in general wireless communications. Experience in one of following areas is an advantage: multiuser and multiantenna systems, unmanned aerial vehicle, task/goal/semantic-based communications

Radio resource allocation/ Radio resource management (e.g., bandwidth and power allocation, scheduling, etc) Experience in machine learning (both theory and application) and/or multiagent reinforcement learning is an advantage

Optimization techniques and tools: convex optimization, successive convex approximation Programming skills in MATLAB are required. Experience in Python is an advantage

Language Skills: Fluent written and verbal communication skills in English are required

About us: The Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) carries out interdisciplinary research in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services, often in collaboration with industrial, governmental or international partners. For further information, you may refer to www.securityandtrust.lu. The SIGCOM research group is headed by Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas, and mainly carries out research activities in the areas of signal processing for wireless communication systems, including satellite communications, and is currently expanding its research activities towards quantum information systems. Furthermore, our activities are experimentally driven and supported by the SDR CommLab, the SDN Lab, the 5G-Space Lab, our SW Simulators, and our OTA Facilities. For further information, you may refer to https://wwwen.uni.lu/snt/research/sigcom



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