2022/12/12 15:08:22 阅读:350 发布者:
美国纽约西奈山医学院(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)姜文言(Wenyan Jiang)教授实验室招聘博士后,实验员和研究生。课题组的研究领域为系统微生物学和微生物工程。主要课题包括微生物基因编辑,单细胞测序,耐药性,基因互作和噬菌体。姜教授在微生物领域长期耕耘,开创了首个CRISPR-Cas9 基因编辑技术以及首个高通量微生物单细胞RNA测序技术(PETRI-seq)。他在Cell, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Microbiology, Nature, Science 等杂志发表论文十余篇,其中的七篇为一作或共一,总引用数达22000。请浏览实验室主页jianglab.org
姜文言将于2023年1月加入西奈山医学院的Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences,担任tenure-track助理教授。他的实验室也将隶属于Department of Microbiology, Icahn Genomics Institute 和Precision Immunology Institute. 姜教授于2016年在美国Rockefeller University取得博士学位,师从微生物学家和HHMI研究员Luciano Marraffini. 毕业后在Columbia University系统生物学家Saeed Tavazoie实验室接受博士后训练。姜教授获得的奖项包括NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00), Blavatnik Regional Awards for Young Scientist(2021), Jane Coffin Childs Fellowship (2017), 和Weintraub Graduate Student Award (2016).
·Strong expertise in microbial genomic sciences such as CRISPR genomics and bacterial high-throughput single cell transcriptomics
·Strong mentorship in both research and career development
·Access to large-scale clinical microbiology samples and data at Mount Sinai
·World-class next generation sequencing (NGS) platform and high performance computing (HPC) cluster [link]
·Compensations are highly competitive with subsidized housing in New York City
Mount Sinai is one of the nation’s top biomedical institutions in research, patient care, and education. With a faculty of more than 3,400 in 38 clinical and basic science departments and centers, Mount Sinai has made major recent investments to attract world class expertise and build cutting-edge resources to fuel advanced research in biomedical data science and advanced technology development. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) is ranked #11 in the Best Medical Schools (Research) by US News (2023). Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences (GGS) is ranked #2 nationally based on NIH funding (2021).
本招聘启事长期有效。请将您的简历(CV)发送给姜教授(wenyanjianglab@gmail.com). 我们尤其欢迎有微生物学,系统生物学,生物工程,单细胞测序和生物信息学背景的人才加入!