A funded Ph.D position for intelligent sensing at UMass Amherst
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Job Description
A Ph.D. Position in the Intelligent Sensing Laboratory (ISL) at UMass Amherst https://blogs.umass.edu/xiandu/.
A funded Ph.D. position is available in the Intelligent Sensing Laboratory (ISL) in The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) and the Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS) at the University of Massachusetts (UMass), Amherst. High priority will be given to highly qualified candidates who are available to start as early as September 1st 2023. The ideal candidates will have a profound interest in both fundamental and applied research in control, machine learning and their application flexible electronics manufacturing and medical imaging.
Research topics
•Automation, robotics, and control
•Deep learning
Required Qualifications
•B.S. And M.S. in mechanical, electrical, biomedical, computer engineering or computer science
•Strong hand-on skills and experience in automation or robotics
•A burning desire to conduct both theoretical and experimental work
•Highly self-motivated and persistent in solving practical experimental problems
Required skills
•Programming in Matlab/Labview or C/C++ for data acquisition and processing
•Experiments design, data collection, processing and analysis
Preferred Qualifications
•Peer-reviewed conference and journal publications
•Strong technical writing, communication and presentation skills
Note: your strong interest and hand-on experience to work on and solve practical engineering problems will be more important for this lab than any skills and qualifications.
The successful applicants will join a vibrant team of students working in the Intelligent Sensing Lab that is focused on the translational machine intelligence and innovative sensing techniques for flexible electronics manufacturing and medical devices. This is an exciting time to join because UMass is going through a substantial growth in the area of scale up of intelligent flexible electronic manufacturing for low-cost, multi-function, wearable wireless sensor systems for personalized health care and biometric monitoring.
An early start on September 1st, 2023 is preferred for exceptional applicants who submit their application ASAP. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Prof. Xian Du at xiandu@umass.edu.
Emailing Instructions
•Email Subject: Ph.D.
•Email to xiandu@umass.edu
•In your email, please state the specific area you are interested in.
Please include the following attachments to your email
1.CV (curriculum vitae)
2.Cover letter
3.List of peer-reviewed publications, if available
4.Three references