2022/11/18 10:38:56 阅读:340 发布者:
比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)化学工程系Prof. Xing Yang课题组现有博士职位可申请,参与“可持续系统过程工程”项目研究,2023年秋季入学。
About the project
Prof. Xing Yang joined KU Leuven in 2020 as an associate professor. She leads a group of 15 people including postdocs, PhDs and master students in the research division “Process Engineering for Sustainable Systems” within the department of Chemical Engineering. Her expertise is in the development of functional membranes and hybrid separation systems for metal/mineral resource recovery, bioseparation and water purification, by combining the power of experimental and multi-scale numerical modelling. She is the awardee of several highly competitive research grants including FWO Odysseus and European horizon 2020. She is currently an editorial board member of Desalination Journal and Early Career Editorial Board (ECBE) member of Journal of Membrane Science. She is an honorary Professor in Deakin University (Australia).
根据课题研究需要,The Yang Research Group拟招收2023年秋季入学的CSC奖学金博士生,主要可选研究课题包括以下2个大方向:
1. Module design and modelling for protein separation in downstream processing.
2. Modelling-based mechanistic studies for selective ion separation
How to apply
具体个人研究课题将综合考虑申请人意向、背景并与杨教授讨论商定,欢迎各位具化工,环境工程, 及材料工程学科研究背景以及学术热情的优秀学子报名,优先考虑有数学模拟背景或者对数模感兴趣者,择优录取。
申请方式:请将个人简历,本硕期间成绩单及英语成绩(最低IELTS 6.5或等同)等信息发送至联系邮箱:xing.yang@kuleuven.be