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2022/11/8 9:35:12  阅读:455 发布者:

PhD Position "EU AI Regulation and Global Private Standard Setting"

Faculty/Services:  Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Educational level:  Master

Function type:  PhD position

Closing date:  21 November 2022

Vacancy number:  10806

The UvA department of political science is looking for a PhD researcher embedded in the RegulAite project led by Prof. Dr. Daniel Mügge.

RegulAite investigates how the European Union regulates artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of global geopolitical, economic, and technological competition. Its core premise is that to minimise the potential risks from AI and maximise its benefits for society, EU AI regulation will have to accommodate the global force field in which it unfolds and will be implemented. Project details and background can be found on the RegulAite website.

Financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) through a Vici grant, RegulAite is hosted by the PETGOV (Political Economy and Transnational Governance) programme group in the political science department.

What are you going to do

This PhD project investigates the interaction between the EU and private forms of global standard setting for AI, either in the form of technical organizations such as International Organization for Standardization, or company- or NGO-led standard setting initiatives (see subproject V). The goal of the project is to understand how the EU interacts with such private standard setting initiatives, and why so. Based on that, it assesses alternative future scenarios for such engagement and their relative merits and ancillary effects.

Embedded in the RegulAite project, the successful candidate will be part of a larger team studying issues of EU AI regulation, but with their own dedicated field of inquiry - for example by concentrating a particularly relevant subset or aspect of the dynamics mentioned in the project description.

You will/tasks:

Complete a PhD dissertation, based either on a monograph or a collection of scientific articles, within the duration of the contract;

Aid the dissemination of research results through widely accessible formats;

Actively contribute to the RegulAite projects activities and outreach;

Contribute to collective academic publications;

Spend up to 10 percent of your contract time teaching at the political science department, as agreed with the BA teaching director.


What do you have to offer

We are looking for a candidate with demonstrable enthusiasm for social scientific research and the politics of AI regulation, as well as a solid understanding of EU policymaking. Successful applicants are eager to learn about scientific research and are able both to take and share constructive feedback, and to work independently based on such feedback. We appreciate colleagues who enjoy working in and contributing to a collective research effort. Data collection will involve approaching and interviewing professionals in the field; ease in making connections with other people and gaining their cooperation will therefore be a plus.

Your experience and profile:

(Research) MA in political science or a related relevant discipline;

Familiarity with social science research methods;

Affinity with and knowledge of policymaking concerning digital technologies.


What can we offer you

We offer a temporary employment contract for the period of 48 months. The first contract will be for 12 months, with an extension for the following 36 months, contingent on a positive performance evaluation within the first 12 months. The employment contract is for 38 hours a week. The preferred starting date is 1 March 2023.

For this position the University Job Classification profile PHD applies.


The gross monthly salary, based on 38 hours per week, ranges from 2541 in the first year up to a maximum of 3247 in the final year. This sum does not include the 8% holiday allowance and the 8,3% year-end allowance. A favourable tax agreement, the 30% ruling, may apply to non-Dutch applicants. The Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities is applicable.

The UvA offers excellent possibilities for further professional development and education.

What else do we offer

an opportunity to investigate a topic of enormous societal relevance;

a position in which initiative and input are highly valued;

an enthusiastic and warm team that is open to new colleagues;

an inspiring academic and international working environment in the heart of Amsterdam;

multiple courses on topics such as time management, handling stress and an online learning platform with 100+ different courses;

7 weeks birth leave (partner leave) with 100% salary;

partly paid parental leave;

a pension at ABP for which UvA pays two third part of the contribution.


About us

The University of Amsterdam is the largest university in the Netherlands, with the broadest spectrum of degree programmes. It is an intellectual hub with 39,000 students, 6,000 employees and 3,000 doctoral students who are all committed to a culture of inquiring minds.


A challenging work environment with a variety of duties and ample scope for individual initiative and development within an inspiring organization. The social and behavioral sciences play a leading role in addressing the major societal challenges faced by the world, the Netherlands and Amsterdam, now and in the future.

Want to know more about our organisation? Read more about working at the University of Amsterdam.


Do you have any questions or do you require additional information? Please contact:

Prof. Dr. Daniel Mügge, d.k.muegge@uva.nl


Job Application

Do you recognize yourself in the job profile? Then we look forward to receiving your application/motivation letter and resume in one bundled .pdf by 21 November 2022.

Applications in .pdf should include:

a curriculum vitae;

a letter of motivation;

a short research proposal of approximately 600 words describing, within the project parameters laid out above, which dynamics and questions the candidate would want to research in particular, including questions to be answered, potential cases to be analyzed, data sources to be used, and potentially relevant literature(s).



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