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2022/11/8 9:22:45  阅读:294 发布者:

Project description

The project partner is the Technical University of Ostwestfalen-Lippe. The subject of the research activities is the development of additively manufactured sensor elements, which are read both at a wavelength around 1550nm and in the terahertz frequency range (100 GHz-10 THz). The terahertz devices will be photomixers, which will be illuminated with two continuous-wave lasers that are detuned by the desired terahertz frequency. The device then generates a terahertz alternating current, which is emitted via an on-chip antenna. In the case of photoconductors, specifically ErAs:In(Al)GaAs photoconductors, the scheme can be inverted to detect terahertz waves, i.e. in addition to the optical signal, a terahertz signal is coupled by means of an antenna attached to the photoconductor, biasing the photoconductor with an alternating voltage in the THz range. This results in mixing of the optical and THz signals, resulting in a low-frequency/DC component proportional to the THz field strength. At least one of the two lasers for photomixing is used in parallel for the optical part of the sensor. One focus of the activities will be the design of waveguide structures for the sensor element, coupling and decoupling structures, and the actual sensor element. Semiconductor components are processed in the clean room of the institute. Dielectric structures additively manufactured by the project partner. Other activities include characterization of the structures, devices and the entire sensor in the laboratory. The results shall be published at conferences and in journal articles. The work is carried out in a team with another doctoral student of the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe in a friendly, international research atmosphere.

Selection criteria

An excellent degree in one of the following subjects is a prerequisite: Physics or Electrical Engineering

The first master or diploma degree shall not be older than four years

The applicant shall have knowledge/experience in at least one of the following topics:

Waveguide structures

Experience with lasers and fiber optics


Clean room experience


Please send your electronic application to Prof. Sascha Preu (preu@imp.tu-darmstadt.de) under the Code-No. with the subject PhD AMUSE.



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