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香港大学 Dr. Guo 课题组全奖博士招生

2022/11/7 17:50:41  阅读:384 发布者:

Department of Urban Planning and Design at The University of Hong Kong Dr. Guo, Cui is looking for Full Scholarship PhD Recruitment + Research Assistants (Degree in Public Health (Epi/Bios)/Stats/Urban Plan/GIS/relevant disciplines)

香港大学城市规划系Dr. Guo, Cui招收全奖博士 + 研究助理 (研究方向:公共卫生/流行病学/(生物)统计学/城市规划/地理信息/其他相关专业)

Dr Guo, Cui is looking for motivated students from around the world to join her research team under the Department of Urban Planning and Design at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). All the enrolled PhD candidates will be providedfull scholarship (HK$ 1840K/month, please see the details below). Outstanding graduates with a Master/MPhil degree in Public Health (Epidemiology/Biostatistics), Statistics, Urban Planning, Geographic Information Systems, or other relevant disciplines are welcome to apply and join us.

For RA, Bachelor/Master/MPhil degree in the above disciplines is required.

Application deadline for PhD: 1 December 2022

Application deadline for RA: Until the positions are filled

Requirements/eligibilities for PhD:

1.General requirements by HKU:


2.Hold a Master or MPhil degree in Public Health (Epidemiology/Biostatistics), Statistics, Urban Planning, Geographic Information Systems, and other relevant disciplines

3.Have research experience in longitudinal cohort study, field study, big data, or build environment

4.Have a good command of statistics software: R language, Python, SPSS, SAS etc.

5.Have passion and perseverance for scientific research and belief in commitment to the improvement of public health and living environment

Requirements/eligibilities for RAs:

1.Hold a Bachelor, Master or MPhil degree in Public Health (Epidemiology/Biostatistics/social science), biostatistics and other relevant disciplines

2.Have a good command of Cantonese and English

3.The participants with experience in field study, data cleaning, and statistics software (R language, SAS, SPSS, Python etc) will be given priorities.

4.Have passion and perseverance for scientific research

If you are interested, please send your brief CV (2 pages) and relevant materials to Dr Guo:cuiguo@hku.hk. Please use the theme for the email Application for PhDor Application for RA. Should you have any questions on admission of PhD, please contact: dupad@hku.hk. All the applications will be treated seriously, but only those who are in the shortlist will be contacted.

Basic introduction:

HKU, founded in 1911, is the oldest tertiary institution in Hong Kong and has a high reputation in Asia and worldwide. In 2022, HKU ranks 21st(QS) and 31st (THE) (https://www.cpao.hku.hk/firstandforemost/rankings). The Department of Urban Planning and Design (DUPAD) was established in the Faculty of Architecture following the reorganization of the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management (CUPEM) to continue the teaching and research of urban planning and related areas which can be dated back to 1980. Currently, Healthy Cities as a specialism has been established and are open for excellent graduates to join.

Dr Guo is an Assistant Professor in DUPAD. Her research interest lies inEnvironmental Epidemiology and Urban Planning, specifically in global health, built environment, air pollution, climate change, combined effect, cohort study, chronic and infectious diseases. Dr Guos research is based on both local and global health systems to contribute scientific findings to the improvement of human health and living environment. Further information about Dr Guo and her research can be found here: https://www.arch.hku.hk/staff/upad/guo-cui/?dept=upad

Three types of full scholarships:

1.Postgraduate Scholarships


2.Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)


3.HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme




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