Plant Physiology 增设合成生物学论文类别
2022/8/4 10:38:43 阅读:290 发布者:
经过20多年的发展,合成生物学已经对生物学研究、生物经济相关产业产生了巨大影响。为了推动植物生物学中的合成生物学的发展,Plant Physiology 将增设合成生物学论文类别,目标是使合成生物学在植物、藻类和蓝藻生物学中成为主流,并为大家提供一个传播交流合成生物学研究进展的场所。为此,除了正常的提交过程之外,Plant Physiology还将为合成生物学及其相关稿件试行一种新的预印友好型、简化的投稿方式,并在投稿十个工作日内就会知道作者稿件是否进入审稿过程。
It is important to note that Plant Physiology defines plant SynBio broadly. Topics that are in-scope include, but are not limited to:
1. Rational engineering and directed evolution of photosynthetic organisms at all levels, e.g., enzymes and sensors, protein complexes, microcompartments, and metabolic, signaling, or regulatory pathways.
2. Engineering plant-microbe interactions and reconstructing plant pathways in microbes.
3. Informatic tools, precise genome editing and gene expression/cell processes control, and other technologies that support synthetic biology of photosynthetic organisms.
Topics that are out-of-scope include: Genome editing used only as a genetic tool, modeling unconnected to a design-build-test-learn cycle, and classical genetic engineering, e.g., transgenic expression of enzyme.
转自: 植物生理PlantPhysiol