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挪威VID专业大学Prof. Groven课题组全奖博士招生

2022/7/19 14:33:39  阅读:413 发布者:

PhD Research Fellow in Health and Diaconia


VID Specialized University has up to two 100% positions as a PhD Research Fellow within the fields of health and diaconia for a period of 3 years. Health and diaconia have many points of contact both historically and in current practices. The call invites projects that find new, original approaches to this broad field and that seek knowledge about:

-how diaconia can contribute to a better understanding of (professional) practices linked to health

-how a health perspective can provide new insights into (professional) diaconal practices

-the values that are brought to the fore in health and diaconal practices.

The project description must relate to one or more of these three approaches.

Relevant applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the PhD program's profile (https://www.vid.no/planer/studieplan-ph.d-i-diakoni-verdier-og-profesjonell-praksis-engelsk-2018-2019/) and to write a project description that develops one of the themes outlined above.

The project applied for must be empirically based, and the project description must explain which methods will be used (qualitative / quantitative). The project will be linked to one of VID's research groups that is related to health and/or diaconia. This will be decided based on the project's content and profile.

Read more about research groups of VID here: https://www.vid.no/en/research/research-groups/

PhD programmes at VID

The position as research fellow aims at achieving a PhD Degree after completed research training at one of the University’s PhD programmes. An achieved PhD degree is a relevant qualification for positions within and outside academia.

The stipulated length of the PhD position is 3 years.

The position will be within the PhD-programme Diaconia, Values and Professional Practice.

More information about the PhD programme can be found on our website.

Applicants are requested to specify the connection between their own project proposal and the PhD programme (see bullet point number 7 under “Template for project description”).

General criteria for appointment as a research fellow are stipulated in the Guidelines and additional provisions for the PhD Programmes at VID Specialized University.

The position will organizationally be located at Centre of Diaconia and Professional Practice. The workplace can be located in Oslo, Bergen or Stavanger.

Qualifications and personal abilities

-Master's degree (120 ECTS) in science of diakonia, health studies, social studies, or field of study relevant to the call.

-Grades on the master's thesis and relevant average grades on the master's program must both normally correspond to B or better in order to be considered.

-Good written and oral presentation skills in English.

-Ability to work targeted and independently

The following are also desirable:

-Experience with relevant research and development work

-Experience from relevant fields of practice

-Ability to work well with others

-Ability to carry out and complete major tasks

In an overall assessment of the applicants, emphasis is put on personal qualifications, relevant competence and research experience.

Diversity is one of the characteristics of a good working environment. We encourage all qualified candidates to apply, regardless of gender, functional abilities, and cultural background. VID would like to have more people with a minority background in scientific positions and people with a minority background are therefore encouraged to apply.

Template for project descriptions

All project descriptions should be written according to template for project descriptions; https://www.vid.no/filer/vids-template-for-project-descriptions/

The applicant must submit a project description minimum 3,000 words and up to 4500 words (reference list, tables and all text included) written in English or a Scandinavian language.

If the applied project is a part of a major research project, the project description related to this project have to be enclosed.

VID wants to strengthen research collaboration with international educational- and research institutions, and we expect applicant in the project description indicate plans for stays abroad in the period as PhD research fellow.

We offer

-Opportunities of academic development with highly qualified and committed colleagues

-A value-based and church-based specialized university with high academic teaching and research ambitions relevant to society and the church

-Membership in the State Pension Plan with beneficial loan-and pension terms VID conforms to the main agreement between the Enterprise Federation of Norway (VIRKE) and Employees Unions.

-The position is placed in code 1017 Stipendiat of the Basic Collective Agreement, salary table 20, alternative 10, salary grade 54 (NOK 491 200). Membership in the State Pension Plan, accident-and group-life insurance scheme is required. The salary will be adjusted yearly according to the collective agreement.


Please upload the application, CV, diplomas, transcripts, diploma supplements and project description through the «Apply here» link above. It is the full responsibility of the applicant to submit a complete application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Diploma supplements for non-Norwegian diplomas must be included when relevant. Documents in other languages than English or Norwegian, must include an official translation as well. For applicants with an education that cannot be documented with Diploma Supplements, confirmation of education, its content and grade must be produced.

A sorting committee will select the applications and are to be assessed by the expert committee. Please note that applicants not selected for expert assessment will not receive a written evaluation of the project description. The decision of the sorting committee will not be distributed.

Applicants will be assessed by an expert committee based on applicant competence, relevance to the call and the quality of the project description. Emphasis will also be placed on the interview conducted with relevant applicants.

References will also be obtained for relevant applicants, and it is requested that 2-3 references are identified in the application. Applicants invited to the interview must be able to submit certified copies of diplomas and certificates.

If you have documents that cannot be sent electronically, please contact HR Kristina.saetran@vid.no

Application deadline:  August 15th, 2022 .

Starting date: January 1st, 2023, or by agreement

For further information about the position or guidance related to the project draft, please contact Vice-dean for Research at Faculty of Health, Professor Karen Synne Groven, email karen.groven@vid.no , phone +4751972256, professor at Centre of Diaconia and Professional Practice Annette Leis-Peters, email annette.leis-peters@vid.no, phone +47 488 93 113,  or the Centre Director, Professor Tormod Kleiven, email tormod.kleiven@vid.no,  phone +4795084275. The salary will be adjusted yearly according to the collective agreement

Comitted to humanity - locally and globally

VID Specialized University is an accredited, private higher education institution. With approximately 560 employees and 5590 students VID is the third largest private higher education institutions in Norway.

VID Specialized University undertakes education and research in the fields of health and social sciences, educational science, management, diaconia and theology. The University offers approximately 50 study programmes at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD levels, and our objective is to develop as a national institution through regional cooperation. The University has campuses in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Sandnes and Tromsø.

Job details


PhD Research Fellow in Health and Diaconia


VID Specialized University


Engelsminnegate 16A Stavanger, Norway

Application deadline


Job type



Abrahamic Religions, Atheism and Humanism, Comparative Religion, Health Science



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