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荷兰内梅亨大学Johan Mentink课题组全奖博士招生

2022/7/19 14:31:54  阅读:224 发布者:

Project description

Our main research interest is to understand the dynamics of magnetism at the shortest length and time scales, for which existing methods fail to give an adequate description. We exploit and develop both phenomenological theory and new computational methods inspired from machine learning. We apply these methods to access otherwise inaccessible regimes of magnetism and provide explanations and predictions for state-of-the-art time-resolved optical and X-ray experiments. Ultimately, our research aims to disclose new scenarios for ultrafast, ultrasmall and minimally dissipative switching of magnetism. Although fundamental in nature, our research may, in the long term, enable applications in data storage and processing that are much more energy-efficient than possible today. 

Selection criteria

You are an excellent and highly motivated candidate with an MSc degree in Physics or an equivalent qualification.

You have a strong background in theoretical and computational condensed matter physics.

You must have strong communication skills, including fluency in written and spoken English.


For questions about the position, please contact Johan Mentink, Assistant Professor at +31 24 365 30 90 or j.mentink@science.ru.nl.



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