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美国休斯顿大学Dr. Sasha Dong课题组全奖博士招生

2022/7/19 14:20:04  阅读:424 发布者:

美国休斯敦大学(Universityof Houston)供应链和物流技术(SCLT)项目现有2个博士职位可申请,不要求GRE成绩,计划2023年春季入学。

Position description

Two Ph.D. Student Openings in Dr. Sasha Dong’s Research Group

The Supply Chain and Logistics Technology (SCLT) program at the University of Houston seek to recruit TWO Ph.D. students to join Dr. Dong’s research group, starting from Spring 2023. Applicants are expected to have M.S./B.S. in Civil Engineering/Industrial Engineering/Supply Chain and other closely related fields. Strong knowledge of mathematics and/or programming is preferred.

Dr. Sasha Dong will be joining the University of Houston as an Associate Professor starting in Fall 2022. Her research focuses on emergency management and disaster resilience. Her work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Federal Highway Administration, Texas Department of Transportation, Illinois Department of Transportation, and many industry companies. For more information about Dr. Dong and her research interest please visit https://dong.wp.txstate.edu/.

About the University

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has recognized the University of Houston as a research university with very high research activity. The University of Houston is a public research university that is located on a park-like campus a few minutes from the Houston city center. Houston is an international and multicultural city, and the University reflects this diversity. It is a designated Hispanic Serving Institution, and it has been recognized as the one of the most racially and ethnically diverse research institution in the nation. In addition, the University is an ADVANCE institution, one of a select group of universities to receive National Science Foundation funds in support of our commitment to increase diversity and the participation and advancement of women faculty in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

Application procedures

Please send the transcript and CV to Dr. Sasha Dong at zdong5@central.uh.edu, Any questions can be directed on WeChat by adding the contact “sasa1912415”. GRE scores may be waived.



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