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英国伦敦大学学院Dr. Bangti Jin课题组全奖博士招生

2022/5/31 10:32:11  阅读:340 发布者:



Job description

Subject: PhD Position, Mathematics of Deep Learning, University College London

The Department of Computer Science at University College London (UCL) is inviting applications for a fully funded 4-year PhD studentship (UK students only), under the supervision of Prof. Simon Arridge, supported by earmarked funding for The Mathematics for Deep Learning programme grant. The programme grant is a five year, EPSRC funded project between UCL, Cambridge, and University of Bath that aims to develop significant new mathematical, statistical and computational methods for understanding and progressing Deep Learning, with applications in medical imaging, inverse problems, scientific computing and meteorology.

The position is an opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research at the  intersection of machine learning, scientific computing and inverse problems. The student will develop innovative mathematical and algorithmic techniques inspired by deep learning and training paradigms for solving forward and inverse problems modelled by partial differential equations at large scales. The PhD project will involve extensive implementation and testing for applications addressed by the programme consortium, and will work closely with other academic and industrial partners to ensure that translation to real applications will be realised.

How to apply:

The deadline for application is June 30, 2022.

For enquiries about theproject and its application please contact Dr. Bangti Jin (b.jin@ucl.ac.uk).



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