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2022/5/9 11:30:33  阅读:346 发布者:

解螺旋 临床科研与meta分析 2022-05-09 00:00


3月份的时候,首都医科大学北京同仁医院一名教授把一篇论文给撤回了!撤稿声明中仅仅把撤稿原因归咎于“The withdrawal has been agreed because the paper was published online in error.(出版社的错误发表)”。但是,根据Elisabeth M Bik博士在网站PubPeer上曝光的信息看,撤稿原因涉及一稿多投导致重复发表以及数据跨越时空,出现了来自两年后的未来数据。


上图为Elisabeth M Bik博士发布于pubpeer上的信息,小编特意对此进行了验证:




PubMed明确将两篇文章关联,其中发表在Frontiers in Immunology上的论文并未被撤稿。近日解螺旋发现,在3月底的时候,作者在pubpeer上对此事进行的回应:

Dear Pubpeer officer Thank you very much for receiving your inquiry email. Due to the busy clinical work, I am very sorry that I did not check your email and unable to reply timely. After seeing the email, we combed the questions raised in detail and checked the original data. In fact, we are also surprised by the concerns regarding two submissions for our paper on Pubpeer. We are also surprised that the manuscript was still online on the journal of AMPIS although we have repeatedly sent the request for the withdrawal application of the manuscript and the journal editor have confirmed and agreed to the withdrawal it, under the condition of without peer-reviewing and proof-reading of our manuscript. With regard to the ambiguity on the follow-up period of patients, we are sorry that we may have not previously clearly stated in the manuscript. I will specify the two questions in detail as follows: Firstly, Replies to the concern about two submissions for our paper


1.  The paper was submitted to Frontier in Oncology for the first time on November 12, 2020, and no any information about submission progress was received before May 6, 2021. Under the context of Chinese culture, no response with regard to a submission for a long time (>3 months) is considered a rejection. Therefore, we have switched to the journal of AMPIS. We are very sorry and regret that we did not notice and thoroughly realized the submission habits of English journals here. We must recognize that it is a flaw.


2.  2 weeks after switching to AMPIS journal, I received a rejection decision from the journal of Frontier in Oncology, but allows a rebuttal for consideration, in the editor’s tab, within 7 days of this decision. The decision letter stated that “This does not guarantee that your manuscript will be further considered for peer review, and that no extensions can be granted at this stage”. Thus, we made a rebuttal as required, and provided the original data. Then, the journal added more reviewers and provided relatively positive review comments (the last review opinion was June 29, 2021).


3.  After receiving the comments of the fourth reviewer and completing the corresponding modification, we then sent a request for the withdrawal of our manuscript from the journal of AMPIS, and then received an email confirming the approval of the withdrawal request.


4.  Thereafter, after completing proof-reading and publication cost payments etc. according to the requirements of Frontier in Oncology, the article will be published online.


5.  10 days after the paper went online in Frontiers in Oncology, I received the decision letter regarding the acceptance for publication of our manuscript on the journal of AMPIS without receiving the peer-reviewing comments. Since the request for withdrawal had been sent before, I sent the withdrawn request again after receiving the decision letter of the manuscript. The journal also confirmed the request for withdrawal, agreed and confirmed the status of withdrawal on the journal submission system.


6.  About 1 month after the withdrawal of the manuscript is confirmed, the journal of AMPIS put the article online without proof-reading.


7. In January 2022, we found that the publication was duplicated and applied for withdrawal, and then the journal of AMPIS withdraw the article. Above is the detailed process of our article, However, I must to say, anyhow, we have to change the habit of submitting articles at home and abroad to avoid the possible misunderstanding and concerns, although we have no subjective intention to the two submissions for one article. We will be greatly appreciated if you can understand and anticipate our more rigorous and international publication in future. Meanwhile, we are appreciated for your and all of the researcher efforts for the improvement of the whole scientific research. Secondly, with regard the concerns of follow-up time for clinical data of patients With regard to the concerns of follow-up time of clinical data in this series, we are very sorry for the ambiguity or misunderstanding that the lack of detailed description of the time of onset of illness of the case in the figure legend. In fact, we collected the clinical data of 19 children who were hospitalized in our hospital and underwent genetic testing from November 1, 2018 to March 31, 2020. This is the starting time point of the genetic testing, NOT the follow-up time. The onset time of 19 children was from March 28, 2016 to September 9, 2019. The start time point of follow-up was defined as the onset time to the end point of follow-up (May 31, 2020). Therefore, the follow-up time of 19 children was 9-50 months, and the median follow-up time was 21 months. Since this article focus mainly on genotypes, the initial information of clinical data is not described clearly in sufficient and detailed manner in the article. We guarantee the originality and authenticity of our data. Please refer to the attachment for specific original clinical data. Thanks again to the experts for our supervision, we will correct and improve our scientific research in the future.


Regards, Dongsheng Huang


尊敬的 Pubpeer 工作人员非常感谢能收到您的询问电子邮件。由于临床工作繁忙,非常抱歉我未能及时查看邮箱进行回复。看到邮件后,我们详细梳理了提出的问题,核对了原始数据。事实上,我们也惊讶于 Pubpeer 对于我们论文的两份提交表达的担忧。我们对于手稿在未经同行评审和校对的情况下仍然在 AMPIS 期刊网络版上同样感到惊讶,尽管我们已多次提出撤稿申请,期刊编辑已经确认并同意撤稿。关于患者随访期的含糊之处,很抱歉我们之前可能没有在手稿中明确说明。我将这两个问题具体说明如下:首先,回应一下有关我们论文一文两投关注的疑虑:


1.  此论文于20201112日首次投稿至Frontier in Oncology202156日前未收到任何投稿进度信息。在中国文化背景下,投稿久未回复时间(>3 个月)被视为拒绝。因此,我们切换到了AMPIS的期刊。非常抱歉和遗憾没有注意到并彻底了解英文期刊的投稿习惯。我们必须认识到这是一个问题。


2.  改投 AMPIS 期刊 2 周后,我收到了 Frontier in Oncology 期刊的拒绝决定,但允许在该决定后的 7 天内在编辑选项卡中进行反驳以供考虑。决定信中写道:“这并不能保证您的稿件会被进一步考虑进行同行评审,并且在此阶段不能授予延期”。因此,我们按要求进行了反驳,并提供了原始数据。然后,该期刊增加了更多的审稿人,提供了比较积极的审稿意见(最后的审稿意见是2021629日)。


3.  在收到第四位审稿人的意见并完成相应的修改后,我们向AMPIS的期刊发送了撤稿请求,然后收到了一封确认撤稿请求的电子邮件。


4.  此后,按照Frontier in Oncology的要求完成校对、支付出版费用等工作后,文章将在线发表。


5.  论文在 Frontiers in Oncology 上线 10 天后,我收到了关于接受我们的手稿在 AMPIS 期刊上发表的决定信,但没有收到同行评审意见。由于之前已经发出过撤稿请求,我在收到稿件决定信后再次发出撤稿请求。该期刊还确认了撤稿请求,同意并在期刊投稿系统上确认了撤稿状态。


6.  确认撤稿约1个月后,AMPIS期刊未经校对将文章上线。


7.  20221月我们发现论文出现重复发表,然后我们申请了撤稿,之后AMPIS期刊进行了撤稿。以上是我们这篇文章发表的全过程。但是我必须承认,无论如何,我们必须要改变在国内和国外投稿的习惯,从而避免可能出现的误解和疑虑,虽然我们主观上并未打算对这篇论文进行一稿两投。如果您能理解并期待我们未来更加严谨和国际化的出版,我们将不胜感激。同时,我们感谢您和所有研究人员为改进整个科学研究所做的努力。其次,关于患者临床数据的随访时间问题,我们对于因缺乏详细描述而造成的歧义或误解深表歉意。事实上,我们收集了2018111日至2020331日在我院住院并接受基因检测的19名儿童的临床数据。这是基因检测的起始时间点,而不是随访时间。19例患儿的发病时间为2016328日至201999日。随访起始时间被设定发病时间,随访期一直延续到随访终点(2020531日)。因此,19名儿童的随访时间为9-50个月,中位随访时间为21个月。由于本文主要关注基因型,因此文章中没有对临床数据的初始信息进行充分和详细的描述。我们保证我们数据的原创性和真实性。具体原始临床数据见附件。再次感谢各位专家对我们的监督,今后我们会更正和完善我们的科研工作。

















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