书评征集 | 周晨书:《社会主义中国的电影放映》
2022/4/25 17:22:03 阅读:411 发布者:
原创 CCSA编辑部 CCSA学术通讯
CCSA,全称Chinese and Comparative Studies Association (中国与比较研究学会),我们致力于促进中国学和比较研究领域中的年轻学者、学生之间的学术交流与合作。
“Talk to the Author”是CCSA的品牌栏目之一,旨在推动严肃、深入且具有批判性的学术对话。在过去数年间,我们持续组织年轻学者为中英文学界新出中国文学、文化与历史研究著作撰写书评,并邀请原作者对书评进行回应,答疑解惑,申发论述。
第三十六期“Talk to the Author“活动,我们请到了美国宾夕法尼亚大学艺术史系电影研究专业的周晨书教授一同讨论其新著《社会主义中国的电影放映》(Cinema Off Screen: Moviegoing in Socialist China, University of California Press, 2021),现征集书评人。
At a time when what it means to watch movies keeps changing, this book offers a case study that rethinks the institutional, ideological, and cultural role of film exhibition, demonstrating that film exhibition can produce meaning in itself apart from the films being shown. Cinema Off Screen advances the idea that cinema takes place off screen as much as on screen by exploring film exhibition in China from the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949 to the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s. Drawing on original archival research, interviews, and audience recollections, Cinema Off Screen decenters the filmic text and offers a study of institutional operations and lived experiences. Chenshu Zhou details how the screening space, media technology, and the human body mediate encounters with cinema in ways that have not been fully recognized, opening new conceptual avenues for rethinking the ever-changing institution of cinema.
List of Illustrations
Introduction: "Projecting Cinema"
1. Space
2. Labor
3. Multimedia
4. Atmosphere
5. Discomfort
6. Screen
Postscript: Recognizing Cinema
Appendix: Interviewee Profiles
Character Glossary
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