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Nature Communications | 城市绿地土壤碳储量的全球格局

2024/2/1 17:42:20  阅读:133 发布者:

【摘要】随着全球城市化的发展,城市绿地面积不断增加。在全球碳 (C) 估算中,城市绿地土壤有机碳 (SOC) 的全球分布和储量仍未得到充分考虑。本研究整合了52个国家257个城市的420个观测数据,评价了城市绿地表层 (0-20 cm深度) 有机碳密度的全球格局。结果表明:城市绿地表层有机碳密度在高纬度地区显著增加,随着年平均气温的升高、气温和降水季节性的增强以及城市绿化指数的降低而显著降低。利用随机森林模型 (random forest model) 绘制全球城市绿地表层有机碳密度,估算出全球城市绿地的平均有机碳密度为55.2 Mg C/ha (51.9-58.6),有机碳储量为1.46 (1.37-1.54) Pg C。本研究提供了全球城市绿地表层有机碳的综合评估,并为未来持续城市化下的城市土壤碳储量评估提供了数据基础。

Fig.1 Spatial distribution, frequency distribution and latitudinal trend of observed surface SOC density (SOCD) (020 cm) across global urban greenspaces in SOC-U database.

Fig.2 Relative importance of the potential predictors and conditional regression plots for important predictors.

Fig.3 Global patterns of predicted surface SOC density (SOCD) (020 cm) and area-weighted national mean SOCD in urban greenspaces.

Fig.4 Global patterns of surface SOC stocks (SOCS) (0-20 cm) of mid- and large cities and national estimates of SOCS in urban greenspaces.


Guo, H., E. Du, C. Terrer, and R. B. Jackson. 2024. Global distribution of surface soil organic carbon in urban greenspaces. Nature Communications 15.



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