英国伦敦玛丽女王大学Stoyan Smoukov教授招CSC全奖博士(两个名额)
研究方向1:Bottom-up synthetic biology and artificial cells and scaffolds
导师:Stoyan SMOUKOV and Julien GAUTROT
Artificial cells are a promising platform for both biotechnology and to answer fundamental questions about the abiotic origin of life.
With our discovery of artificial morphogenesis we are uniquely poised to explore minimum number component systems that can act as artificial cells.
We are working at the cutting edge of science and developing new fields, such as active matter and bottom-up synthetic biology.
We have shown that many complex functions including reproduction, shape definition and movement achieved with only two chemical components.
These phenomena are highly sensitive to the interfacial layer ordering as well as the phase transitions observed in confined small volumes.
We will attempt to understand phase transitions and mechanisms to make the processes controllable and efficient.
The PhD will work in an interdisciplinary group and be exposed to both experimental and theoretical nanoscience. We will also attempt in collaboration to use our synthetic biology platform to grow biological cells for industrial processes and bioreactors.
We will use an array of techniques, incl. x-ray diffraction, quartz-crystal microbalance with electrochemistry, dynamic light scattering, interfacial rheology, fluorescence microscopy, etc.
研究方向2:Reactions and phase transitions at interfaces for bottom-up synthesis
导师:Stoyan SMOUKOV and Radomir SLAVCHOV
Artificial morphogenesis could be the basis for sustainable, bottom-up manufacturing processes to replace wasteful lithography, and as in nature, fabricate regular geometric shapes with few waste products.
Preliminary results have shown that UV and click-type polymerization are compatible with artificial morphogenesis, but the reactions are highly sensitive to the interfacial layer ordering. Further, reactions are affected by confinement in small volumes.
Due to these issues currently the process is not practical or industrially scalable yet, so understanding of the phase transitions, mechanisms, and kinetics are crucial to making the process controllable and efficient.
The PhD project will investigate several polymerization reaction kinetics in confinement. It will also study phase transitions in both bulk and interface monolayers.
We will make use of know-how obtained over years of studying surfactant and rotator phase transitions.
We will also use an array of techniques, incl. x-ray diffraction, quartz-crystal microbalance with electrochemistry, dynamic light scattering, Recent high profile articles (e.g. in Nature Physics https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-021-01291-3) show we are working at the cutting edge of science and developing new fields, such as active matter and bottom-up synthetic biology.
The PhD will work in an interdisciplinary group and be exposed to both experimental and theoretical nanoscience.
导师信息:Stoyan Smoukov教授
1.奖学金申请截止日期是2024年1月31日,请务必于2024年1月29日前联系Stoyan Smoukov教授。
3.学校要求申请人本科成绩须达到英国本科2:1 honour的同等水平。
申请人请直接联系Stoyan Smoukov教授s.smoukov@qmul.ac.uk,请附上英文简历。