“不啻微茫, 造炬成阳”:美国得州西南医学中心仲振宇实验室招聘博士后
如果是这样,那么我们热切地邀请您加入美国得克萨斯西南医学中心(UT Southwestern Medical Center)免疫系的仲振宇实验室团队(https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/labs/zhong-zhenyu/),成为我们的博士后研究员,并从事炎症和相关疾病的研究工作。
Dr. Zhong’s lab is dedicated to investigating the fundamental mechanisms of inflammation, including its initiation, propagation, and termination. The lab is also particularly interested in understanding how disease risk factors, such as obesity and aging, results in dysregulation of inflammation, thereby promoting the development of metabolic, malignant, and degenerative diseases.
Over the past decade, Dr. Zhong has made fundamental contributions to establishing mitochondria as the ‘signaling hub’ for innate immune activation. His recent work has addressed the long-standing question of how obesity leads to chronic inflammation. Dr. Zhong has published many high-impact papers in reputable journals, including Nature, Cell, Immunity, Nature Immunology, Cancer Cell, Cell Metabolism, Science Translational Medicine, Nature Communications, Trends in Immunology, among others.
Dr. Zhong has been recognized with prestigious awards, including the American Association of Immunologists (AAI) ASPIRE Award, International Cytokines and Interferon Society (ICIS) Milstein Young Investigator Award, NIH MIRA Award, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Pinnacle Research Award, CPRIT Faculty Recruitment Award, CPRIT Individual Investigator Research Award, University of Texas Rising Stars Award, and AAI Trainee Achievement Award.
The lab is currently seeking multiple talented postdoctoral fellows with diverse research backgrounds in immunology, cell biology, biochemistry, hepatology, cancer, and/or computational biology. Prospective candidates with a Ph.D. or M.D/Ph.D. in a related biomedical field and strong research motivation are encouraged to apply. Salaries will be in accordance with the current NIH scale, including free health insurance and other UTSW employee benefits. Interested individuals can send their CV and three recommendation letters to zhenyu.zhong@utsouthwestern.edu.
“瞻山识璞,临川识珠。不啻微茫,造炬成阳” ——我们准备好了,你呢?