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招聘 | 西南医学中心蔡昕实验室诚聘研究生和博士后

2024/1/2 14:04:20  阅读:52 发布者:


美国德州西南医学中心蔡昕实验室诚聘研究生和博士后。实验室主要专注于癌症代谢和先天免疫信号的研究。我们不仅仅将代谢产物视为营养来源,更将其视为指导细胞生物学的细胞指令信号。我们希望深入了解代谢产物如何作为信号分子,来调控细胞信号传导, 从而调节细胞生理功能,包括细胞的增殖,分化以及对抗病原体感染的能力。网站: www.xincailab.com

The Xin Cai Lab at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX is recruiting at all levels.  Our lab studies cancer metabolism and innate immune signaling.  We are broadly interested in how metabolites serve as signaling molecules to regulate cellular signal transduction, proliferation, and differentiation.  We seek to understand metabolites not only as nutrient sources, but as cellular instruction signals that dictate cell biology.  

We uncovered signaling mechanisms in innate immunity and inflammasome (Cai et al, Cell) and established prion-like polymerization as a general signaling paradigm (Cai et al, Trends in Immunology and Cold Spring Harbor Perspect Bio).  We recently uncovered a signaling function of lactate to activate the mitochondria (Cai et al, Molecular Cell).  Ongoing work with extensive preliminary data focuses on understanding functions of small molecules and metabolites in gene regulation, cGAS-STING and innate immune signaling, and mitochondrial function.

Postdoc candidates with expertise in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, signal transduction, or immunology are encouraged to apply by emailing xin.cai@utsouthwestern.edu with the following attachments:

1)Cover letter on your interest in our research


3)Reference letter from PhD advisor sent directly to Xin

4)Names and contact information for at least 3 references.

Interested PhD students should apply to the UT Southwestern Graduate School directly and inquire about rotation opportunities.



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