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2023/12/28 10:06:50  阅读:39 发布者:


佛罗里达大学(UF)在U.S. News 2022年排名中位列美国第6名最佳公立大学和第29名最佳学院。UF拥有NIH指定的国家癌症中心和世界一流的脑研究所。其工程学院是美国规模最大、最具活力的工程学院之一,拥有9个学术部门和20多个中心研究所,为学生提供世界一流的综合课程、实践研究条件和科学设施。佛罗里达大学坐落于盖恩斯维尔市,该城市因被誉为“美国最健康社区”、多次荣获“金井城市”奖而出名。

UF ranks among America's Top 6 best public universities and Top 29 best colleges in U.S. News 2022 rankings . UF has NIH-designated National Cancer Center and world-class Brain Institute. Its College of Engineering is one of the largest and most dynamic engineering colleges in the U. S. It has 9 academic departments and 20+ central research institutes, providing students with world-class comprehensive courses, practical research conditions, and scientific facilities. UF locates in Gainesville city, which is known as the "Healthiest Community in America" and won the "Gold Well City" award for multiple times.



Tang Xin教授博士就读于伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校,随后在哈佛大学的博士后培训受到HHMI资助。目前Tang教授是佛罗里达大学机械和航空航天工程系的助理教授,隶属于佛罗里达大学生物医学工程系、佛罗里达大学健康癌症中心和麦克奈特脑研究所。

Prof. Xin Tang received his HHMI-funded post-doctoral training at Harvard University and PhD from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is an assistant professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Florida, with affiliation to Department of Biomedical Engineering, UF Health Cancer Center, and McKnight Brain Institute.


我们实验室开展跨学科研究项目。我们研究机械力如何影响活细胞和生物体的生物功能,为仿生工程的创新带来新的见解,以解决医疗保健、能源和环境方面的挑战。我们的研究整合了固体和流体力学理论、STORM/PALM/STED 超分辨率成像、光遗传学、CRISPR/Cas9、纳米技术、生物化学、基因组编辑和计算建模。我们的发现和见解将应用于预防、诊断和治疗与力学相关的,包括癌症、心血管疾病和脑部疾病等人类疾病。成功的申请者将接受尖端的多学科培训,并在全奖支持下参与项目。我们把促进学生成功地实现他/她们的职业目标作为我们的主要责任。

Position Summary: Research projects in our laboratory are transdisciplinary by nature. We study how mechanical forces affect the biological functions in living cells and organisms, bring new insights into the innovations of bio-inspired engineering to solve challenges in health care, energy, and the environment. Research in our lab integrates theory of solid and fluid mechanics, STORM/PALM/STED super-resolution imaging, optogentics, CRISPR/Cas9, nanotechnology, biochemistry, genome editing, and computational modeling. We apply our findings and insights to enable preventing, diagnosing, and treating mechanics-associated human diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and brain disorders. Successful applicant will receive cutting-edge multidisciplinary training and will participate projects with full financial support. We deem it is our key responsibility to promote our students to successfully achieve their career goals.




2. 出色的研究经验,有在同行评审的期刊上发表以证明其成就;

3. 优先考虑具有光学显微镜、电子器件、激光、纳米加工、生物化学、编程(例如 LabViewPython MATLAB)设计和构建实践经验的候选人,但这些不是必需的;

4. 我们的科研项目需要出色的实验技能,申请者如具有分析和数值模拟(例如多尺度计算建模)经验更佳;

5. 对于博士生候选人:拥有硕士学位将被优先考虑。鼓励具有一门或多门扎实理科工程或科学学科背景的申请。需要满足入学要求的合格托福/GRE成绩。


Minimum Qualifications for candidate:

1. Strong self-motivation and work ethics for scientific research;

2. Excellent research experience with peer-reviewed journal publication record demonstrating accomplishments;  

3. Prior hands-on experience with design and construction of optical microscopes, electronics, laser, nanofabrication, biochemistry, programming (such as LabView, Python, or MATLAB), are highly preferred, but not required;

4. Although our projects require excellent experimental skills, experience with analytical and numerical simulation, e.g., multiscale computational modeling, are strong plus;

5. For PhD student candidates: A degree of M.S. is highly preferred. Background in one or more of the engineering or science discipline (mechanical and/or aerospace engineering, materials science, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, bioengineering, or physics) is encouraged to apply. Qualified TOEFL/GRE scores to meet admission requirement is necessary.

6. (Possible option) For Post-doctoral fellow candidate: A PhD or MD degree in a relevant engineering or science discipline, including but not limited to mechanical engineering, materials science, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, bioengineering, physics, chemistry, computer science, medicine, or biology, is required.



xin.tang@ufl.edu xtang11@gmail.com

We cordially welcome highly motivated and creative students to join us. Interested candidates can send the professional CV (summarizing previous research/work experience, research interest, and other career accomplishments) and contact information of 2 reference letter writers to Dr. Tang with the subject PhD candidate application”:

xin.tang@ufl.edu and xtang11@gmail.com



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