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2023/12/26 10:53:44  阅读:34 发布者:

2024年英国埃克塞特大学 (University of Exeter) csc合作博士全奖招生(工程方向)


英国埃克塞特大学 (University of Exeter, UK)生物医学工程课题组目前有若干Exeter-CSC 合作博士全额奖学金可供申请(埃克塞特大学提供全额学费及科研经费,csc(中国国家留学基金委)提供生活费),全校奖学金总名额多达50名),欢迎3D打印,人工智能及机器学习(AI and machine learning),传感器及信号处理(sensors and signal processing),生物力学仿真(simulation for biomechanics),有限元模拟(finite element modelling, 可穿戴设备(wearable devices), 外骨骼(Exoskeleton)等相关方向的本科生及硕士生申请。其他工程方向优秀的学生也欢迎咨询申请。

埃克塞特生物医学工程课题组主要从事包括生物力学仿真及医疗设备,骨肌系统模型及有限元模型,人体运动及软组织生物力学, 3D打印超材料及其生物应用,骨肌疾病病理及康复,机器学习等研究。课题组提供杰出的导师团队进行指导。


Dr Xijin Hua:https://engineering.exeter.ac.uk/staff/xh340;

Prof. Richard Everson:https://computerscience.exeter.ac.uk/staff/reverson?sm=reverson

Prof. Tim Holsgrove:https://engineering.exeter.ac.uk/staff/th431?sm=th431



英国埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)位于气候宜人的英国西南部,是英国24所顶尖研究型高校联盟—罗素大学集团的成员校之一,拥有世界领先的科研水平。在泰晤士高等教育、上海软科等机构发布的世界大学排名中,埃克塞特大学位列世界前150。最新的英国官方学术评估 (Research Excellence Framework) 显示,该校99%的研究具有国际质量,94%的研究具有国际卓越的影响力。该校成立于1955年,有来自150多个国家的约3万多名学生。埃克塞特大学是英国发展最快的研究型大学。在尖端科学、工程、数学和医学研究方面处于领先地位,在人文和社会科学领域享有世界一流的声誉。


1. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the Peoples Republic of China at the time of application and intend to return to China upon completion of their studies at the University of Exeter.

2. Applications will be evaluated on academic merit: (1) Applicant will need to meet the entry requirement of the programme to which they are applying. Please note some programmes will require a Master's degree for entry; (2) As a miminum should have obtained, or be about to obtain, a First or Upper Second-ClassUK Honours degree, or the equivalent qualifications gained outside the UK. Applicants with a Lower Second-Class degree will be considered if they also have a merit or above in a UK Masters degree from a prestigious university (Typically an average of 85% or above from a Chinese Higher Education Institution); (3) Quality of research proposal.

3. Successful candidates will meet the relevant academic requirements as well as the English language proficiency requirements for entry into a PhD programme set out by the University of Exeter. Applicants are generally expected to have a score of IELTS 6.5 or equivalent overall with no less than 6.0 in any section. (雅思6.5分,每一科不少于6.0)

4. Candidates will be required to satisfy the selection criteria set out by CSC in addition to University of Exeter. Details can be found on the website: https://www.csc.edu.cn/.

5. The University of Exeter Scholarship awards are available for PhD students, starting in September 2024.


Stage One Apply to the University of Exeter

In the application process you will be asked to upload several documents. Our preferred format is PDF. Please name each file with your surname and the name of the document, eg. Smith CV.pdf, Smith Cover Letter.pdf, Smith Transcript.pdf. Please ensure you identify/name a supervisor within your research proposal (see the second bullet point below)

Documents Required:


Your research proposal. Please use this word document and upload to your application. The document will open as read only so please save a copy to edit the document.

A Cover letter outlining your academic interests and prior research experience.

Transcript(s) giving full details of subjects studied and grades/marks obtained. This should be an interim transcript if you are still studying.

Evidence of your English language proficiency.

Two references.

Please ensure you upload your reference documents before the application closing date of 5 January 2024. If you are unable to upload the reference documents at the time of submitting your application, you should forward your reference documents to pgrenquiries@exeter.ac.uk. Your referees should not be from the prospective supervisory team.

The closing date for applications is midday Friday 5 January 2024.

Stage 2 Apply to China Scholarship Council (CSC)

Successful applicants will need to apply for CSC funding following the guidelines specified by the China Scholarship Council.


申请材料包括:CV 一份,cover letter 一份概述研究方向和兴趣以及研究经历, 成绩单,雅思或托福成绩证明(雅思6分,每一科不少于6.0分;托福总分不低于87)。可先联系咨询再准备材料。

欢迎有意向的同学于1231日之前加微信 ExeBio (微信优先)或发送cv xjhua08@outlook.com 咨询,先联系者优先。



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