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2023/12/26 10:44:58  阅读:33 发布者:


The Additive Manufacturing for Regenerative Engineering (AMRE) Lab directed by Dr. Yonghui Ding at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) focuses on the development of biomaterials and additive manufacturing technology for tissue repair and regeneration (current emphasis on cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nerve tissues, and brain-heart connections). Please visit our website to learn more about our team, research, and detailed information for open positions https://wp.wpi.edu/dinglab/

Preference will be given to candidates with educational backgrounds and research expertise in polymer design and synthesis and/or tissue engineering.

我们优先考虑在聚合物设计和合成 and/or 组织工程领域具有教育背景和研究经验的候选人。

Interested students should send CV to Dr. Yonghui Ding yding7@wpi.edu.


Dr. Yonghui Ding received his Bachelors degree in Materials Science & Engineering from Chongqing University and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Before joining WPI, Yonghui Ding held the position of Research Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) from 2019 to 2023. His primary focus lies in the integration of materials science and additive manufacturing for tissue regeneration with the long-term goal of providing clinically relevant solutions to patients. His research efforts have resulted in more than 45 peer-reviewed publications in prestigious journals such as Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Acta Biomaterialia, Small, ACS Applied Materials & Interface. Dr. Dings work has gained > 2700 citations and an H-index of 26. Dr. Ding was a recipient of the Best Young Scientist Award at the 4th Asian Biomaterials Congress (2014), American Heart Association Career Development Award in 2021, and NIH NIBIB Trailblazer Award in 2022.


伍斯特理工 (Worcester Polytechnic Institute,简称WPI)是一所位于美国马萨诸塞州的著名私立工程与科技研究型大学。成立于1865年,WPI在工程、科学和商业领域都有卓越的声誉,2013年,彭博商业周刊将该项目的学生满意度在美国排名第一。2016年,《华尔街日报/泰晤士高等教育》将其在美国高校的研究和教学结合方面排名第一。在名校林立的美国东部, 可以独树一帜, 有着良好的口碑和庞大的校友圈。值得一提的是, WPI是被誉为清华大学”终身校长”梅贻琦和曾任厦门大学校长萨本栋的母校。

WPI 坐落在距离波士顿一小时车程的新英格兰地区第二大城市伍斯特。在生物工程和技术相关的科研和产业化方面有着得天独厚的资源优势, 除了跟同在伍斯特的麻省大学医学院有合作,WPI的教授还跟在波士顿的很多高校和医院建立了很多合作。另外, 伍斯特生活也很方便。不仅在WPI校园附近拥有很多博物馆, 音乐和戏曲表演中心, 各种亚洲美食,而且在一小时车程的波士顿可谓应有尽有。从WPI往南驱车3-4小时可以达到美国第一大城市纽约体验都市生活, 往北2小时可以达到白山国家公园感受优美的自然风光。



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