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2023/12/20 10:26:48  阅读:33 发布者:



肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky),简称UK,创办于1865年,是一所美国公立研究型大学,位于美国肯塔基州的列克星顿市(Lexington),大学校园占地4,170亩,拥有约35,000名学生和12,000名教职员工。新建成的威廉·T·杨图书馆是具有世界先进水平的研究型图书馆。

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Kentucky

College of Medicine

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study obesity-associated complications including chronic inflammation, fatty liver disease and brown fat dysfunction. Candidates should have a PhD degree in molecular biology, biochemistry or related field, and strong background in cell culture, biochemical and molecular biology techniques and small animal model systems.

Preference will be given to a highly motivated individual with good communication skills and previous research experience in studying fat cell differentiation and function, mitochondria function, or macrophage functions.

To apply: E-mail a single PDF containing a CV, including past research experience and accomplishments and contact information for three references to  with the subject heading postdoc.



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