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2023/12/19 9:59:32  阅读:27 发布者:

Nature,  23 November 2023, Volume 623 Issue 7988

《自然》, 20231123日,第623卷,7988


Aligned grains and scattered light found in gaps of planet-forming disk


▲ 作者:Ian W. Stephens, Zhe-Yu Daniel Lin et al.

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们展示了HL Tau870μm的高分辨率深度极化观测,解决了环和间隙中的极化现象。我们发现,间隙的偏振角与环相比具有显著的方位角分量和更高的极化分数。我们的模型表明,圆盘极化是由排列的有效延长的对齐颗粒散射和辐射引起的。



Here we show deep, high-resolution polarization observations of HL Tau at 870??μm, resolving polarization in both the rings and the gaps. We find that the gaps have polarization angles with a notable azimuthal component and a higher polarization fraction than the rings. Our models show that the disk polarization is due to both scattering and emission from the aligned effectively prolate grains. The intrinsic polarization of aligned dust grains is probably more than 10%, which is much higher than that expected in low-resolution observations (about 1%). Asymmetries and dust features that are not seen in non-polarimetric observations are seen in the polarization observations.

Methane throughout the atmosphere of the warm exoplanet WASP-80b


▲ 作者:Taylor J. Bell, Luis Welbanks et al.

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们报告了JWSTNIRCam成像仪对825 K的温暖木星WASP-80b的观测结果。我们观察到透射和发射光谱跨度为2.44.0μm,强有力地证明了甲烷的存在,且显著性大于6σ。



Here we report transmission and emission spectra spanning 2.44.0 μm of the 825 K warm Jupiter WASP-80b taken with the NIRCam instrument of the JWST, both of which show strong evidence of CH4 at greater than 6σ significance. The derived CH4 abundances from both viewing geometries are consistent with each other and with solar to sub-solar C/O and around five times solar metallicity, which is consistent with theoretical predictions.


Continuous symmetry breaking in a trapped-ion spin chain


▲ 作者:Lei Feng, Or Katz et al.

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▲ 摘要:




Here we use a one-dimensional trapped-ion quantum simulator to prepare states with long-range spin order that extends over the system size of up to 23 spins and is characteristic of the continuous symmetry-breaking phase of matter. Our preparation relies on simultaneous control over an array of tightly focused individual addressing laser beams, generating long-range spinspin interactions. We also observe a disordered phase with frustrated correlations. We further study the phases at different ranges of interaction and the out-of-equilibrium response to symmetry-breaking perturbations. This work opens an avenue to study new quantum phases and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in low-dimensional systems.

Hopfion rings in a cubic chiral magnet


▲ 作者:Fengshan Zheng, Nikolai S. Kiselev et al.

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▲ 摘要:




Here we present direct observations of hopfions in crystals. In our experiment, we use transmission electron microscopy to observe hopfions forming coupled states with skyrmion strings in B20-type FeGe plates. We provide a protocol for nucleating such hopfion rings, which we verify using Lorentz imaging and electron holography. Our results are highly reproducible and in full agreement with micromagnetic simulations. We provide a unified skyrmionhopfion homotopy classification and offer insight into the diversity of topological solitons in three-dimensional chiral magnets.


Complex molecule synthesis by electrocatalytic decarboxylative cross-coupling


▲ 作者:Benxiang Zhang, Jiayan He et al.

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▲ 摘要:




Here we report a radical-based Ni/Ag-electrocatalytic cross-coupling of substituted carboxylic acids, thereby enabling an intuitive and modular approach to accessing complex molecular architectures. This new method relies on a key silver additive that forms an active Ag nanoparticle-coated electrode surface in situ along with carefully chosen ligands that modulate the reactivity of Ni. Through judicious choice of conditions and ligands, the cross-couplings can be rendered highly diastereoselective. To demonstrate the simplifying power of these reactions, concise syntheses of 14 natural products and two medicinally relevant molecules were completed.


Preserved neural dynamics across animals performing similar behaviour


▲ 作者:Mostafa Safaie, Joanna C. Chang et al.

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▲ 摘要:





Accordingly, here we suggested that the shared circuit-level constraints within a species would lead to suitably preserved latent dynamics across individuals. We analysed recordings of neural populations from monkey and mouse motor cortex to demonstrate that neural dynamics in individuals from the same species are surprisingly preserved when they perform similar behaviour. Neural population dynamics were also preserved when animals consciously planned future movements without overt behaviour and enabled the decoding of planned and ongoing movement across different individuals. Furthermore, we found that preserved neural dynamics extend beyond cortical regions to the dorsal striatum, an evolutionarily older structure. Finally, we used neural network models to demonstrate that behavioural similarity is necessary but not sufficient for this preservation. We posit that these emergent dynamics result from evolutionary constraints on brain development and thus reflect fundamental properties of the neural basis of behaviour.



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