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SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences | 青藏高原植被物候对极端温度和不同强度降水的差异性响应

2023/9/26 10:25:28  阅读:58 发布者:



Quantifying how climate factors affect vegetation phenology is crucial for understanding climate-vegetation interactions and carbon and water cycles under a changing climate. However, the effects of different intensities of extreme climatic events on vegetation phenology remain poorly understood. Using a long-term solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence dataset, we investigated the response of vegetation phenology to extreme temperatures and precipitation events of different intensities across the Tibetan Plateau (TP) from 2000 to 2018. We found that the effect of maximum temperature exposure days (TxED) and minimum temperature exposure days (TnED) on the start of the growing season (SOS) was initially delayed and shifted to advance along the increasing temperature gradients. However, the response of the end of the growing season (EOS) to TxED and TnED shifted from an advance to a delay with increasing temperature gradients until the temperature thresholds were reached, above which thresholds produced an unfavorable response to vegetation growth and brought the EOS to an early end. The corresponding maximum and minimum temperature thresholds were 10.12 and 2.54°C, respectively. In contrast, cumulative precipitation (CP) was more likely to advance SOS and delay EOS as the precipitation gradient increased, but the advance of SOS is gradually weakening. Four vegetation types (i.e., forest, shrubland, meadow, and steppe) showed similar trends in response to different climates, but the optimal climatic conditions varied between the vegetation types. Generally, meadow and steppe had lower optimal temperatures and precipitation than forest and shrubland. These findings revealed the divergent responses of vegetation phenology to extreme climate events of different intensities, implying that the SOS will continue to advance with warming, whereas the EOS may undergo a partial transformation from delayed areas to advanced areas with continued warming.



1 青藏高原的地理位置和植被分布。

2 2000-2018 年青藏高原植被物候趋势的空间模式和频率分布。(a)、(c)生长开始季节(SOS)和(b)、(d)生长结束季节(EOS)。红色文字为P,蓝色文字为N,括号中的数值分别表示正相关(P)、负相关(N)和显著相关(P<0.05)的比例。右图中的P值代表2000-2018年期间SOSEOS的显著年际变化。

3 2000-2018年生长开始季节(SOS)、生长结束季节(EOS)与高温日(TX95P)、低温日(TN5P)和高强度降水(R95P)之间偏相关系数的空间分布。(a-cTX95PTN5PR95PSOS;(d-fTX95PTN5PR95PEOS。红色文字P、蓝色文字N和括号中的数值分别表示正相关(P)、负相关(N)和显著相关(P<0.05)的比例。标有黑点的网格表示相关性显著(P<0.05)。

4 2000-2018年生长开始季节(SOS)、生长结束季节(EOS)与高温日(TX95P)、低温日(TN5P)和高强度降水(R95P)之间的偏相关系数以及不同植被类型之间的差异。(a)、(bSOSEOSTX95PTN5PR95P的偏相关系数的概率密度函数(PDF),分别用绿色、红色和蓝色表示。(c),(d)森林、草甸、草原和灌木林的SOSEOSTX95P(绿色)、TN5P(红色)和R95P(蓝色)之间的部分相关系数。

5 2000-2018年植被物候与不同强度的极端气温和降水指标之间的关系。垂直线表示温度和降水阈值。超过该临界值表明有利影响减弱。(a-c)生长季开始(SOS)不同强度的最高气温暴露日(TxED)、最低气温暴露日(TnED)和累积降水量(CP)。(d-f)生长季结束时(EOS),不同强度的TxEDTnEDCP

6 2000-2018年森林(绿线)、草甸(蓝线)、草原(红线)和灌木林(橙线)的植被物候与不同强度的极端气温和降水指标之间的关系。垂直线表示不同植被类型的温度和降水阈值。超过该阈值表明有利效应减弱。(a-c)不同强度的最高气温暴露日(TxED)、最低气温暴露日(TnED)和累积降水量(CP)下的生长季开始时间(SOS)。(d-f)生长季结束时(EOS),不同强度的TxEDTnEDCP


Sun M, Li P, Ren P, Tang J, Zhang C, Zhou X, Peng C. 2023. Divergent response of vegetation phenology to extreme temperatures and precipitation of different intensities on the Tibetan Plateau. Science China Earth Sciences, 66. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-022-1156-1




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