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2023/9/22 9:19:27  阅读:43 发布者:

Science,  15 SEP 2023, VOL 381, ISSUE 6663


人工智能Artificial Intelligence

Edge learning using a fully integrated neuro-inspired memristor chip


▲ 作者:Wenbin Zhang, Peng Yao, Bin Gao, Qi Liu, Dong Wu, Qingtian Zhang, et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.ade3483

▲ 摘要:





Learning is highly important for edge intelligence devices to adapt to different application scenes and owners. Current technologies for training neural networks require moving massive amounts of data between computing and memory units, which hinders the implementation of learning on edge devices. We developed a fully integrated memristor chip with the improvement learning ability and low energy cost. The schemes in the STELLAR architecture, including its learning algorithm, hardware realization, and parallel conductance tuning scheme, are general approaches that facilitate on-chip learning by using a memristor crossbar array, regardless of the type of memristor device. Tasks executed in this study included motion control, image classification, and speech recognition.

Powerful, soft combustion actuators for insect-scale robots


▲ 作者:Cameron A. Aubin, Ronald H. Heisser, Ofek Peretz, Julia Timko, Jacqueline Lo, E. Farrell Helbling, et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adg5067

▲ 摘要:




Insects perform feats of strength and endurance that belie their small stature. Insect-scale robotsalthough subject to the same scaling lawsdemonstrate reduced performance because existing microactuator technologies are driven by lowenergy density power sources and produce small forces and/or displacements. The use of highenergy density chemical fuels to power small, soft actuators represents a possible solution. We demonstrate a 325-milligram soft combustion microactuator that can achieve displacements of 140%, operate at frequencies >100 hertz, and generate forces >9.5 newtons. With these actuators, we powered an insect-scale quadrupedal robot, which demonstrated a variety of gait patterns, directional control, and a payload capacity 22 times its body weight. These features enabled locomotion through uneven terrain and over obstacles.


MEG3 activates necroptosis in human neuron xenografts modeling Alzheimers disease


▲ 作者:Sriram Balusu, Katrien Horré, Nicola Thrupp, Katleen Craessaerts, An Snellinx, Lutgarde Serneels, et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abp9556

▲ 摘要:


研究组将人类或小鼠神经元异种移植到AD小鼠模型的大脑中。结果只有人类神经元显示缠结、Gallyas银染色、颗粒空泡变性(GVD)、磷酸化tau血液生物标志物和相当大的神经元丢失。长非编码RNA MEG3在人类神经元中被强烈上调。这种神经元特异性长非编码RNAAD患者中也被上调。



Neuronal cell loss is a defining feature of Alzheimers disease (AD), but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We xenografted human or mouse neurons into the brain of a mouse model of AD. Only human neurons displayed tangles, Gallyas silver staining, granulovacuolar neurodegeneration (GVD), phosphorylated tau blood biomarkers, and considerable neuronal cell loss. The long noncoding RNA MEG3 was strongly up-regulated in human neurons. This neuron-specific long noncoding RNA is also up-regulated in AD patients. MEG3 expression alone was sufficient to induce necroptosis in human neurons in vitro. Down-regulation of MEG3 and inhibition of necroptosis using pharmacological or genetic manipulation of receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1), RIPK3, or mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein (MLKL) rescued neuronal cell loss in xenografted human neurons. This model suggests potential therapeutic approaches for AD and reveals a human-specific vulnerability to AD.

Conserved γδ T cell selection by BTNL proteins limits progression of human inflammatory bowel disease

BTNL蛋白保守的γδ T细胞选择限制了人类炎症性肠病的进展

▲ 作者:Robin J. Dart, Iva Zlatareva, Pierre Vantourout, Efstathios Theodoridis, Ariella Amar, Shichina Kannambath, et al.

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adh0301

▲ 摘要:

小鼠上皮内γδ T细胞包括不同的组织保护细胞,由上皮嗜丁酸蛋白样(BTNL)异构体选择。

为了确定这种生物学是否在人类中保守,研究组对人结肠γδ T细胞区室进行了表征,确定了一个包括共表达T细胞受体Vγ4和上皮结合整合素CD103的表型不同亚群的多样性库。该亚群在炎症性肠病中不成比例地减少和失调,而治疗中CD103+γδ T细胞恢复与炎症性肠病的持续缓解相关。

此外,具有种系BTNL3/BTNL8亚型的人也表现出CD103+Vγ4+细胞失调和缺失,研究组确定这是穿透性克罗恩病(CD)的一个危险因素。因此,BTNL依赖性的选择和/或维持不同的组织内在γδ T细胞似乎是一个进化上保守的轴,限制了全球发病率不断上升的复杂、多因素、组织损伤疾病的进展。


Murine intraepithelial γδ T cells include distinct tissue-protective cells selected by epithelial butyrophilin-like (BTNL) heteromers. To determine whether this biology is conserved in humans, we characterized the colonic γδ T cell compartment, identifying a diverse repertoire that includes a phenotypically distinct subset coexpressing T cell receptor Vγ4 and the epithelium-binding integrin CD103. This subset was disproportionately diminished and dysregulated in inflammatory bowel disease, whereas on-treatment CD103+γδ T cell restoration was associated with sustained inflammatory bowel disease remission. Moreover, CD103+Vγ4+cell dysregulation and loss were also displayed by humans with germline BTNL3/BTNL8 hypomorphism, which we identified as a risk factor for penetrating Crohns disease (CD). Thus, BTNL-dependent selection and/or maintenance of distinct tissue-intrinsic γδ T cells appears to be an evolutionarily conserved axis limiting the progression of a complex, multifactorial, tissue-damaging disease of increasing global incidence.


Songbird species that display more-complex vocal learning are better problem-solvers and have larger brains


▲ 作者:Jean-Nicolas Audet, Mélanie Couture & Erich D. Jarvis

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adh3428

▲ 摘要:





Complex vocal learning, a critical component of human spoken language, has been assumed to be associated with more-advanced cognitive abilities. Tests of this hypothesis between individuals within a species have been inconclusive and have not been done across species. In this work, we measured an array of cognitive skillsnamely, problem-solving, associative and reversal learning, and self-controlacross 214 individuals of 23 bird species, including 19 wild-caught songbird species, two domesticated songbird species, and two wild-caught vocal nonlearning species. We found that the greater the vocal learning abilities of a species, the better their problem-solving skills and the relatively larger their brains. These conclusions held when controlling for noncognitive variables and phylogeny. Our results support a hypothesis of shared genetic and cognitive mechanisms between vocal learning, problem-solving, and bigger brains in songbirds.


Presynaptic Ube3a E3 ligase promotes synapse elimination through down-regulation of BMP signaling

突触前Ube3a E3连接酶通过下调BMP信号促进突触消除

▲ 作者:Kotaro Furusawa, Kenichi Ishii, Masato Tsuji, Nagomi Tokumitsu, Eri Hasegawa & Kazuo Emoto

▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.ade8978

▲ 摘要:





Inactivation of the ubiquitin ligase Ube3a causes the developmental disorder Angelman syndrome, whereas increased Ube3a dosage is associated with autism spectrum disorders. Despite the enriched localization of Ube3a in the axon terminals including presynapses, little is known about the presynaptic function of Ube3a and mechanisms underlying its presynaptic localization. We show that developmental synapse elimination requires presynaptic Ube3a activity in Drosophila neurons. We further identified the domain of Ube3a that is required for its interaction with the kinesin motor. Angelman syndromeassociated missense mutations in the interaction domain attenuate presynaptic targeting of Ube3a and prevent synapse elimination. Conversely, increased Ube3a activity in presynapses leads to precocious synapse elimination and impairs synaptic transmission. Our findings reveal the physiological role of Ube3a and suggest potential pathogenic mechanisms associated with Ube3a dysregulation.



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