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2023/9/18 16:31:38  阅读:33 发布者:






Dear Dr. XXX,

Thank you for your email.

I have checked the status of your manuscript within our online submission system, and I can confirm that your submission is currently progressing through peer review without any problems.

I am unable to provide any more specific information regarding your submission at this time, aside from assuring you that we will do our best to deliver a decision to you as soon as possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.

Best regards,






Dear Dr XXX,

I regret to inform you that we have now considered your paper but unfortunately feel it unsuitable for publication in International Journal of XXX. You are of course now free to submit the paper elsewhere should you choose to do so.

Your manuscript may be better suited to one of Taylor & Francisother journals, and the Taylor & Francis editorial team might be in touch with some specific suggestions.

Thank you for considering International Journal of XXX. I hope the outcome of this specific submission will not discourage you from the submission of future manuscripts.


作者对于如此敷衍拒稿非常失望,认为这个期刊不够人性化,也没有把拒稿的理由具体告知,比如是否是数据的问题,还是引言部分的问题,还是论证方法的问题,快6个月了,一句不合适就打发了。于是想发邮件追问让期刊把拒稿理由详细告知,问我觉得是否合理?我认为非常合理,这个期刊是领域内很好的期刊,竟然如此操作,在已经被审稿的情况下拒稿,且不提供任何审稿意见,就一句 unsuitable for publication in the journal想把作者打发了。因此要求期刊给出一个合理解释很必要,但同时不要寄希望于期刊会改变审稿意见或者有回复,积极做好再次投稿的打算。



Dear Editor,

Would you please send to me the comments of the peer review, as two months ago, your team replied to me that my submission was processing through peer review. It doesnt conform to common sense that after six months of submission, the author received nothing with the review comment but just the notice of rejection.

Best regards




Dear Editor,

Per your email on June X, the manuscript I submitted on March X was under the status of "peer review". After a long waiting time of nearly half a year, the manuscript is now rejected for the sole reason that it is "unsuitable for publication" in the journal.

Considering the extensive waiting period of nearly six months, my co-authors and I kindly request access to the review comments that led to this decision. These comments are crucial for understanding the specific areas requiring improvement and enhancing the manuscript's quality.

If, in any case, the manuscript was not peer-reviewed during this period, we would appreciate an explanation, as this would be concerning from the authors' perspective and may raise questions about the journal's manuscript management practices.

We value the peer review process and are committed to refining our work based on constructive feedback. Your prompt assistance in providing the review comments would greatly assist us in this endeavor.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we eagerly await the review comments.

Best regards



Dear Dr. XXX,

Thank you for your email.

I have forwarded your query to the concerned editor and will get back to you once I receive a response.

If you have any further queries, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Best regards,







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