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2023/9/14 16:46:23  阅读:39 发布者:


The UKFS-CDT programme provides a unique opportunity for transformative and interdisciplinary food systems research. Offering an innovative way of conducting a PhD centred on the co-creation of, and exposure to, a varied range of actors operating in UK food systems.

Are you a potential changemaker? The UKFS-CDT aims to create cohorts of future food systems changemakers who can lead the UK towards a resilient, healthy and inclusive food future using new, holistic and critical interdisciplinary thinking. The studentships join a cohort of 26 studentships.

Where: The first year is based at Medway campus, Kent, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich (UoG), including travel for rotations. Years 2 4 based at NIAB East Malling.

When: Start October 2023, for 4 years (FTE)

Deadline: Monday, 18th September 2023

Eligibility: Applicants must hold, or be expected to achieve, a Bachelor or Masters degree in a relevant subject with a first or high upper second-class undergraduate honours degree or equivalent.



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