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【npj Clim Atmos Sci】未来气候变化和社会经济因素背景下复合干热事件的全球风险评估

2023/8/31 14:26:13  阅读:89 发布者:



Compound hot-dry events have the potential to cause significant damages and propel socioeconomic systems towards tipping points by overwhelming the ability of natural and human systems to cope with the combined stressors. As climate change continues to alter hazard patterns, the impacts of these events will be further compounded by changes in exposure and vulnerability. However, the future risk of these events and the role of these components remain poorly understood. Using a multimodel ensemble, we find that by the end of the 21st century, an additional 0.71.7 billion people globally will be exposed to amplified compound events, depending on the scenarios. Additionally, the cropland exposure to these events is projected to increase by 25.7 million km². Our findings also suggest that countries with weak governance will experience a twice larger increase in the risk of compound events than those with good governance. This underscores the importance of effective governance in mitigating and managing the escalating risks of compound events.



1 未来单一干旱事件和复合干热事件的发生概率变化。显示的是不同情景下2061-2100年和1971-2010年期间CMIP6多模式单一干旱事件和(bdfh)复合干热事件发生概率的空间模式。复合干热事件是用Gaussian copula法得出的。

2 复合干热事件频率的未来变化。显示的是2061-2100年与1971-2010年之间频率差异的空间模式。基于CMIP6集合中值的2061-2100年和1971-2010年期间频率差异的空间模式(aceg)和各全球大气模型变化范围的纬度分布(bdfh)。变化的纬度分布(bdfh)。在右栏中,线条和不确定性带分别代表集合中值和±1集合标准差。标准差,分别。复合干热事件是用Gaussian copula法得出的。

3 比较未来在单一干旱事件和复合干热事件下的暴露变化。显示的是历史时期和未来时期a总人口和b总耕地暴露的差异。人口总数和耕地总数在历史和未来时期的差异。绿色和红色的点代表从单个CMIP6全球大气模型中得出的变化;白点代表CMIP6集合的中位数。

4 比较不同作物对单一干旱事件和复合干热事件的未来暴露变化。显示的是a-j种不同作物在历史和未来时期的农田暴露差异。绿点和红点分别代表从单个CMIP6 GCM中得出的单一干旱事件和复合干热事件的变化;白点代表CMIP6集合的中值。

5 复合干热事件风险的未来变化。显示的是(a-d)历史和未来时期复合干热事件风险系数的空间模式,(ef)治理良好和治理薄弱国家之间的风险系数比较。危害变化是基于CMIP6多模型的中位数。在e组中,具有中等治理水平的国家(第50-74百分位数),在本研究中没有使用,以白色显示。在小提琴图中,黑色十字代表各国的风险因素中值。

6 复合干热事件风险变化的驱动因素。显示的是(aeim)危害在国家层面的贡献、(bfjn)人口暴露,(cgko)作物暴露,和(dhlp)脆弱性对不同情景下复合干热事件风险变化的贡献。不同情况下对复合干热事件风险变化的脆弱性。


Tabari, H., & Willems, P. (2023). Global risk assessment of compound hot-dry events in the context of future climate change and socioeconomic factors. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6(1), 74. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-023-00401-7.



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