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【COMMUN EARTH ENVIRON】可持续发展大大降低了未来干旱影响的风险

2023/8/31 14:20:50  阅读:33 发布者:



Drought is a major natural hazard that can cause cascading impacts on socioeconomic sectors, and its risk is expected to increase under future climate change and socioeconomic developments. However, a comprehensive cross-disciplinary drought risk outlook is currently lacking to support integrative disaster risk reduction efforts. To address this gap, our analysis examines drought exposure, vulnerability, and risk towards the end of this century under four future pathways. The study identifies the Mediterranean, Amazon, southern Africa, and Central America as the most impacted regions where extreme multivariate drought is projected to become two to four times more likely. Our analysis also shows that sustainable development would reduce population exposure to drought by 70% compared to fossil-fueled development. Furthermore, it halves the number of countries facing a fivefold increase in drought risk. Our results underscore the critical need for a cross-disciplinary drought risk outlook and emphasize the importance of considering exposure and vulnerability for risk assessments.



1 20世纪末和21世纪末的干旱概率比。根据CMIP6多模式中值计算的21世纪末(2070-2099年)不同情景下12个月尺度的中度干旱(adgj)、严重干旱(behk)和极端干旱(cfil)发生概率与历史基线期(1971-2000年)的比值。图中斜线表示少于72%的模式(18个全球气候模式(GCM)中的13个)在概率比符号上达成一致的区域。

2 历史基线期(1971-2000年)和21世纪末(2070-2099年)不同情景下热点地区网格单元中基于CMIP6多模式中值的极端干旱概率分布函数。结果显示了地中海(a)、亚马逊(b)、南非(c)和中美洲(d)的年(12个月)尺度。垂直虚线表示基准期的概率中值。

3 21世纪末极端干旱的人口风险。在全球尺度(a)和地中海(b)、亚马逊(c)、南非(d)和中美洲(e)不同情景下,21世纪末(2070-209912个月尺度极端干旱事件的人口暴露概率。圆圈和误差条分别代表CMIP6多模式集合中值和标准偏差(全球气候模式(GCM)不确定性)。受影响人口占当前全球人口的百分比。

4 20世纪末至21世纪末的干旱风险因子。与历史基线期(1971-2000年)相比,21世纪末(2070-2099年)不同情景下的中度(adgj)、严重(behk)和极端(cfil)干旱风险系数。在计算风险时,危害(12个月干旱)、风险暴露和脆弱性被归一化。

5 灾害、风险暴露和脆弱性对干旱风险变化的贡献。图中显示了中度(a)、严重(b)和极端(c)干旱风险增加和减少的国家的贡献中值。危害按12个月计算。


Tabari, H., & Willems, P. (2023). Sustainable development substantially reduces the risk of future drought impacts. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 180. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-00840-3.



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