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【投稿经验】怎么写Cover Letter?(附模板)

2023/8/31 14:17:07  阅读:52 发布者:

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这次我们一起看看Cover Letter.

在投稿SCI论文时,Cover Letter(简称CL)是一封附在论文投稿信中的信件,用于向期刊编辑介绍你的研究工作、论文的创新性和重要性,并解释为什么你选择该期刊作为投稿目标。

Cover Letter在论文投稿中扮演着重要的角色,它可以帮助你与期刊编辑建立联系并引起他们对你的研究兴趣。以下是Cover Letter中应包含的内容:






其他信息:根据期刊的要求,你可以在Cover Letter中提供其他相关信息,如与该领域的合作研究关系,申明潜在利益冲突等。

总体来说,Cover Letter是与期刊编辑对话的机会,它能够帮助你向编辑展示你的论文的重要性和适应度,同时也说明你对该期刊的了解程度。确保你的Cover Letter简洁明了,突出重点,使其能够吸引编辑的兴趣,增加论文被接受的机会。


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]


[Editor's Name]

[Journal Name]

[Journal Address]

Dear Dr. [Editor's Last Name],

I am writing to submit my research paper entitled "[Paper Title]" for consideration for publication in [Journal Name]. I believe that this research holds significant academic and practical value for the readership of your esteemed journal.

I am a [Your Academic Position or Research Field] researcher, dedicated to conducting research in the field of [Field Name]. In this paper, I provide a comprehensive overview of the [Research Background and Objective]. By employing [Research Methodology and Experimental Design], I have discovered innovative findings that [Briefly summarize research findings]. These findings have important implications for [Relevant Field] and offer potential contributions to existing [Theory or Practice].

I have chosen to submit this paper to [Journal Name] because I believe it aligns perfectly with the scope of the journal and its target readership. After reviewing several published articles in your journal, I have observed your commitment to advancing cutting-edge research in [Relevant Field], with a focus on high-quality scholarly work. I am confident that my research outcomes and the quality of this manuscript meet the publication standards of your journal.

I hereby declare that this manuscript represents original research, has not been published before, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. I assure you that the research conducted adhered to the highest standards of scientific integrity, involving no ethical issues or conflicts of interest.

I kindly request that you consider this manuscript for peer review. I believe that the findings of this research will inspire and enlighten the readership of your journal and provide novel directions and insights for researchers in the field of [Relevant Field].

Thank you for considering my submission. I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]



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