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2023/8/28 9:14:34  阅读:42 发布者:




为了探究活细菌细胞质中加速扩散的物理机制,北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院,定量生物学中心/北大-清华生命科学联合中心的林杰课题组,将活细胞内代谢等活性过程带来的随机碰撞近似成一个白噪声的活性随机力,引入到描述活细胞内粒子满足的运动方程中。通过与大肠杆菌的实验数据的定量对比[3],作者发现细菌内活性随机力的涨落大小与粒子半径的三次方成正比。作者进一步发现,这个三次方幂律的物理机制来源于粒子受到一个大小恒定为0.57 pN、方向随机变化的活性力。该工作已发表于《Physical Review Research》,题目为 “Diffusion enhancement in bacterial cytoplasm through an active random force”。链接:doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.L032018


1. 多分散粒子体系

2: 数值模拟结果

通过与大肠杆菌内GFP-μNSmini-RK2 质粒的实验数据进行定量对比[3],作者发现在多个体积分数下���=3的活性随机力都很好地符合实验数据(图3a)。为了解释���=3幂律关系的机制,作者通过理论分析发现假设粒子受到一个大小恒定、方向满足角度随机扩散的活性力能很自然解释���=3的幂律关系。通过对比发现,这一模型也较好地符合实验数据(图3b),并且得到了这个力的大小是0.57 pN,与生物系统中蛋白质层面的力大小也较为符合[5]

3: 实验数据对比

该工作原创地将多分散系统和活性过程结合起来,解释了实验发现的与粒子大小相关的扩散加速的物理机制,揭示了复杂活性系统中涌现出的简洁性,促进了对于活细胞内物理过程的理解。北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院,北大-清华生命科学联合中心博士生孟令羽为第一作者, 北京大学定量生物学中心/北大-清华生命科学联合中心林杰为通讯作者。









1.    Quantitative biology and systems biology

Biological processes are complex and often out-of-equilibrium. Nevertheless, universal and quantitative laws often emerge at the cellular or populational level. One example is the constant protein and mRNA concentrations in a growing cell volume, generally valid for any proliferating cells. We are interested in finding these laws and understanding the underlying mechanisms using the language of physics. Our research interests are broad, including but not limited to gene expression, cell size regulation, and cell physiology. We seek to collaborate with experimentalists and test our ideas using actual data. Our ultimate goal is to find unifying mathematical frameworks to describe various biological processes.

2.    Soft living matter

Soft matter refers to materials easily deformed by thermal fluctuation and external forces, including polymers, liquid crystals, colloids, and many others. Living matter such as cells shares many similarities with soft matter: they can be easily deformed and exhibit complex rheological behaviors. A key feature that makes living matter fascinating is that they constantly consume energy and are out-of-equilibrium. Living matter also actively responds and adapts to the environment. We are interested in extending our knowledge of soft matter physics to living matter to gain deeper insights into non-equilibrium statistical physics and biology.


[1] J. T. Mika and B. Poolman, Macromolecule diffusion and confinement in prokaryotic cells, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 22, 117 (2011).

[2] H.-X. Zhou, G. Rivas, and A. P. Minton, Macromolecular crowding and confinement: biochemical, biophysical, and potential physiological consequences, Annual Review of Biophysics 37, 375 (2008).

[3] B. Parry, I. Surovtsev, M. Cabeen, C. OHern, E. Dufresne, and C. Jacobs-Wagner, The bacterial cytoplasm has glass-like properties and is fluidized by metabolic activity, Cell 156, 183 (2014).

[4] T. Ando and J. Skolnick, Crowding and hydrodynamic interactions likely dominate in vivo macromolecular motion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, 18457 (2010).

[5] R. Milo and R. Phillips, Cell biology by the numbers (Garland Science, 2015).



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