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2023/8/14 8:59:11  阅读:34 发布者:

图文摘要 | Graphical abstract

导读 | Introduction


Wastewaterbased surveillance (WBS) is an efficient tool to monitor viral circulation and serves as an early warning system, which can detect both symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission and identify specific variants and their circulation levels. WBS has already been successfully applied to monitor viral diseases such as influenza A, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), poliovirus, norovirus, and hepatitis A around the world. Seasonal viruses have made a comeback after their temporary suppression by COVID19 control measures. The most relevant are influenza viruses A and B (IAV/IBV), and RSV, which account for majority of the coinfections with SARSCoV2. The similar symptomatology of this trio pf viral treats hinders their clinical diagnosis. In response to differentiate SARSCoV2 from dominant seasonal respiratory viruses, this study evaluated, monitored, and compared RNA levels of IAV/IBV, RSVA/RSVB, and SARSCoV2 in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) wastewater in Barcelona, Spain, as well as measured indicators of human fecal contamination.


| Detection of respiratory viruses in wastewater


The positivity rate of SARSCoV2 was significantly greater than that of other target viruses. While SARS-CoV-2 was detected in all samples collected from both WWTPs, influenza virus and RSV were <50% of the total samples, and more frequently in WWTP1 than WWTP2.

1 所有呼吸道病毒阳性率。采样期间两个污水处理厂废水中呼吸道病毒分析阳性样品的百分比。

Fig. 1 Positivity rate of all respiratory viruses. Percentage of positive samples for the respiratory viruses analyzed in wastewater of both WWTPs during the sampling camping.


| Levels of indicators of fecal contamination in wastewater


Comparable average concentrations of E. coli and somatic coliphages in both WWTPs wastewater samples, and no significant differences were observed among the analyzed samples and between the WWTPs (p>0.05). The microbial indicators analyzed did not correlate with the respiratory viruses, and considering that many values were below the limit of detection, the real correlation should be lower.

1 取样期间两个WWTPs大肠杆菌和体细胞噬菌体的平均浓度。

Table 1 Average concentrations of E. coli and somatic coliphages during the sampling campaign for both WWTP.


| Respiratory virus levels in wastewater

流感和RSV基因滴度在104105 GC/L范围内,低于相应样品中SARSCoV2基因滴度。SARSCoV2滴度在冬季略有增加(第13周至第23周);IAV2月底到3月初期间达到一个显著的峰值,且在污水处理厂1中更明显,而IBV仅第55周在污水处理厂1中被检测到一次;在两个污水处理厂样品中,两个明显的RSV子高峰在冬季月份被检测到(第8周至20周和第55周至61周)。

The concentrations of the genes influenza and RSV were in the range of 104105 GC/L, being consistently lower than those of the SARSCoV2 genes in the corresponding samples. SARSCoV2 concentration increased slightly during the winter season (Week 13 to 23); IAV reached a prominent peak in late February/early March, more obvious in WWTP1, while IBV was only detected once in week 55 in WWTP1; an obvious peak of detection of both subtypes was apparent during the winter months in samples from both WWTPs (weeks 8 to 20 and 55 to 61).

2 RSV和流感病毒的滴度。点表示病毒的每个采样点的结果,线表示病毒的样品平滑度。底线表示流感病毒(蓝色)RSV(红色)的检测限。未检出用1/2检测限替换。

Fig. 2 Viral titers of RSV and influenza virus. Dots show the results of each sampling point for each virus and lines show the spline smoothers for each virus. Bottom line indicates the limit of detection (LOD) of Influenza virus (blue) and RSV (red). Nondetects have been replaced with LOD values/2.

3 RSV、流感病毒和SARSCoV2的比较。热图显示结果中每种病毒的丰度。图例显示了以log 10单位表示的最强力颜色对应的最高值。虚线表示每种病毒的检出限。

Fig. 3 Comparison of RSV, influenza virus and SARSCoV2. Heatmap showing the abundance of each virus along the study. The legend shows the highest value corresponding to the most intense color expressed in log10 units. Dotted lines indicated the LOD of each virus.


| Comparison of WBS data with clinical records


Similarity was observed in the patterns of viral concentrations and incidence of associated diseases/symptoms between WBS and clinical data. The detections of influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2 were significantly related to the number of cases, while no correlation was found between bronchiolitis and RSV, perhaps because the clinical disease used as marker is less specific of RSV infections. Another, RSV were detected at a higher rate in wastewater compared to the number of reported clinical cases, which could be attributed to non-attendance at health care centers of asymptomatic individuals or those with mild symptoms.

4 污水中呼吸道病毒检测结果及公共卫生数据库报告病例数。取样期间两个WWTPs SARSCoV2、流感病毒和RSV的检测(ylog10 GC/L)。两个污水处理厂覆盖地区的初级保健和医院诊断(ylog10 报告病例数)

Fig. 4 Results of respiratory virus detection in wastewater and of number of cases reported in public health databases. Detection of SARSCoV2, influenza virus, and RSV during the sampling campaign in both WWTPs (left Yaxis log10 GC/L). Primary care and hospital diagnostics in the area covered by the two WWTPs (right Y-axis log10 number of reported cases).

总结| Conclusion


This study has provided significant data on the presence and evolution of respiratory viruses in the city of Barcelona, revealing different epidemiological patterns to those before the COVID19 pandemic. WBS can provide relevant information about viral dynamics in a population independently of clinical records, and the epidemiological study of wastewater needs further research to realize its potential as a system that can confirm and anticipate outbreaks of infectious diseases.

第一作者:Daniel Toribio-Avedillo

university of  barcelona

通讯作者:Maite Muniesa

university of  barcelona



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