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NSR /PBJ | 背靠背发表!张启发院士、万建民院士团队同时克隆首个水稻显性雄性核不育基因

2023/8/10 9:18:41  阅读:29 发布者:

202387日,华中农业大学水稻团队与福建省三明市农业科学院合作在National Science Review在线发表了题为“Spontaneous movement of a retrotransposon generated genic dominant male sterility providing a useful tool for rice breeding”的研究论文。该研究克隆了水稻第一例显性雄性核不育基因SDGMS,也首次发现核糖体失活蛋白参与调控水稻发育和抗性的平衡,为理解转座元件在基因组和表型演化中的作用提供了新的视角,同时也为水稻三明显性核不育种质资源的进一步应用奠定了基础。

A working model of dominant male sterility caused by SDGMS. The red colour indicates an up-regulation response involved in the sterility process, and blue indicates a down-regulation response.

值得一提的是,88日,南京农大万建民院士团队在Plant Biotechnology Journal发表题为“Anther-specific expression of OsRIP1 causes dominant male sterility in rice”的研究论文,报道了该团队克隆的显性雄性核不育的基因OsRIP1,该基因与NSR论文报道的SDGMS为同一基因。

Cloning and genetic analysis of Dms1 in rice. (a) Sterile panicle and defective anther in NIL-NJ4Dms1. (b) Transverse sections showing anther and microspore development in NJ4 and NIL-NJ4Dms1. (c) Fine mapping of Dms1. (d) qRT-PCR analysis of OsRIP1 expression in anther. (e) GUS staining of transgenic spikelets and in situ hybridization detection of OsRIP1 transcripts in anthers. (f) Knock out of OsRIP1 in Nip and NIL-NipDms1. (g) Comparison of panicle, anther and pollen of Nip and transgenic plants carrying OsRIP1 under control of anther-specific promoter. (h) Homologous modelling of protein structure of OsRIP1. The substitution mutations are shown. (i,j) Recombinant His-tagged RIP1 and its mutant versions processed rRNA from rabbit (i) and wheat (j). depurinate quantified results are shown at right; red triangle indicates the depurinate product. (k) Transiently expressed OsRIP1 and its mutant versions in tobacco leaves. Images were taken after 10days. Trypan blue staining indicates cell death in tobacco leaves and DAB staining indicates ROS accumulation in tobacco leaves. (l) GO analysis of the IP-MS results related to OsRIP1. (m) In vitro translation efficiency in Rabbit reticulocyte lysate treated with OsRIP1 and its mutant versions. (n) In vitro translation efficiency in wheat germ extract treated with OsRIP1 and its mutant versions.          






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