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2023/8/7 10:16:12  阅读:28 发布者:









E-mail: guankunliang@westlake.edu.cn




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9.Kim, J., Kim, Y.C., Fang, C., Russell, R.C., Kim, J.H., Fan, W., Liu, R., Zhong, Q., andGuan, K-L.(2013) Differential regulation of distinct Vps34 complexes by AMPK in nutrient stress and autophagy. Cell152, 290-303.

10.Yu, F.X., Luo, J., Mo, J-S., Liu, G., Kim, Y.C., Meng, Z., Zhao, L., Peyman, G., Ouyang, H., Jiang, W., Zhao, J., Chen, X., Zhang, L., Bastian, B.C., Zhang, K. andGuan, K-L.(2014) Mutant Gq/11 promote uveal melanoma tumorigenesis by activating YAP.Cancer Cell25, 822-830.

11.Jewell, J.L., Kim, Y.C., Russell, R.C., Yu, F.X., Park, H.W., Plouffe, S.W., Tagliabracci, V.S., andGuan, K-L.(2015)Differential Regulation of mTORC1 by Leucine and Glutamine.Science347, 194-198.

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14.Moroishi, T., Hayashi, T., Pan, W.W., Fujita, Y., Holt, M.V., Qin, J., Carson, D.A., andGuan, K-L.(2016) The Hippo pathway kinase LATS1/2 suppress cancer immunity.Cell167, 1525-39.

15.Lin, K.C., Moroishi, T., Meng, Z., Jeong, H., Plouffe, S.W., Sekido, Y., Han, J., Park, H.W.,Guan, K-L.(2017). Regulation of Hippo pathway transcription factor TEAD by p38 MAPK-induced cytoplasmic translocation.Nature Cell Biol.19, 996-1002.

16.Meng, Z., Qiu, Y., Lin, K.C., Kumar, A., Placone, J.K., Fang, C., Wang, K-C., Lu, S., Hong, A.W., Pan, M., Moroishi, T., Luo, M., Plouffe, S.W., Diao, Y., Ye, Z., Park, H.W., Wang, X., Yu, F-X., Chien, S., Wang, C-Y., Ren, B., Engler, A.J., andGuan, K-L.(2018) RAP2 mediates mechno-responses of Hippo pathway.Nature560, 655-660.

17.Chen, R., Xie, R., Meng, Z., Ma, S.,Guan, K-L.(2019). STRIPAK integrates upstream signals to initiate the Hippo kinase cascade.Nature Cell Biol.21, 1565-1577.

18.Luo, M., Meng, Z., Moroishi, T., Lin, K.C., Shen, G., Mo, F., Shao, B., Wei, X., Zhang, P., Wei, Y.,Guan, K-L.(2020) Heat stress activates YAP/TAZ to induce the heat shock transcriptome.Nature Cell Bio.22, 1447-59.

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20.Li, F.L., Fu, V., Liu, G., Tang, T., Koradi, A., Peng, X., Kemper, E., Cravatt, B.F., Franklin, J.M., Wu, Z., Mayfield, J., Dixon, J.E., Gerwick, W.H., andGuan, K-L.(2022) Regulation of the Hippo pathway by phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (PITP) and phosphoinositides.Nature Chem. Biol.18, 1076-1086.





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