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2023/8/2 16:52:25  阅读:63 发布者:


仿皮肤柔性电子元件能够模拟人体皮肤的各种变形,有望应用于人工智能、健康监测和电子皮肤等领域,因此受到越来越多的关注。应变传感器是柔性电子元件的一种,可将机械刺激(如压力和应变)转化为可检测的电信号 (如电阻、电流或电容信号)从而实时监测人体运动。理想情况下,柔性应变传感器应具有较高的伸展性,以承受较大且复杂的形变;自愈能力,以实现较高的鲁棒性,适当的导电性,以将外部刺激转化为电信号并准确采集;出色的稳定性,以延长传感器的使用寿命、PVAPAMPAACNF等水凝胶具有高伸展性、自愈合能力和良好的生物相容性,因此已成为很有前途的候选材料。然而,具有高且稳定的导电性、高拉伸性和快速自愈能力的水凝胶传感器仍有待开发。

为了提高水凝胶的导电性,一种传统的方法是在水凝胶中加入导电相,包括金属纳米颗粒和纳米线、导电聚合物,如PPy以及导电无机填料,如石墨烯、碳纳米管(CNT)和还原氧化石墨 (rGO)。由于水凝胶与导电相之间的分散性和相分离性较差,这种方法通常会导致凝胶混合物的机械强度较低,从而限制了水凝胶传感器的灵敏度和周期稳定性。多键网络(MBN)结构具有网络均匀性和能量耗散性,因此有望使水凝胶具有高强度和可拉伸性。硼砂加入 PVA 基质后,通过形成动态可逆的硼酸盐酯键,混合物会发展成高度可拉伸的自愈合水凝胶。PVA-硼砂水凝胶中的动态交联位点可在解离后立即重建,从而可逆地恢复 MB 水凝胶,为水凝胶提供导电和自愈合特性。此外,将纳米材料诱导到水凝胶中可通过断裂交联键有效消散能量,但其机理主要取决于特定材料,如 OD 纳米颗粒(如碳黑和硅纳米颗粒)1D 纳米线(CNT)2D 纳米片 (如氧化石墨烯)MXene是一类具有较大比表面积和极化表面官能团的二维纳米材料在金属离子存在的情况下可通过氢键和配位相互作用来机械地增强水凝胶,已被广泛应用于超级电容器、水净化、电磁屏蔽、可穿戴电子设备等领域。


用于电子皮肤的仿生柔性电子元件由于能够感知各种动作而受到越来越多的关注。然而,智能皮肤仿真材料的开发仍然是一项挑战。英国诺森比亚大学Ben Bin Xu教授团队报告了一种简单有效的方法,用于制造由PVATi3C2Tx MXene纳米片和PPy组成的超强韧性、可拉伸和自愈合导电水凝胶 (PMP水凝胶)MXene 纳米片和 Fe3+可作为多功能交联剂和有效的应力传递中心,使 PMP水凝胶具有相当高的导电性、超强韧性和超高拉伸性(伸长率高达 4300%)。由于存在动态硼酸盐酯键,水凝胶还具有快速自愈合和可重复的自粘能力。由 PMP 水凝胶制成的柔性电容应变传感器具有相对较宽的应变感应范围(高达 400%),并具有自修复功能。该传感器可精确监测各种人体生理信号,包括关节运动、面部表情和脉搏波。基于 PMP 水凝胶的超级电容器的电容保持率高达92.83%,库仑效率~100%。相关研究以“A Simple and Effective Physical Ball-Milling Strategy to Prepare Super-Tough and Stretchable PVA@MXene@PPy Hydrogel for Flexible Capacitive Electronics”为题发表在Small期刊上。


Figure 1. a) Schematic illustration of preparation process with chemical cross-linking sites in PMP hydrogel. b,c) TEM and AFM images of MXene nanosheets. d,e) SEM images of PMP hydrogel.


Figure 2. a) Optical images show the moldable and flexible features of PMP hydrogel. b) The conformability of PMP hydrogel on an artificial finger joint. c) pH-responsive performance of PMP hydrogel. d) Optical images show the stretchability of PMP hydrogel. e,f) Tensile stress-strain curves of hydrogel. g) Gand Gof PMP hydrogels versus frequency. h) Changes of Gand Gwith the increasing strain amplitude to 1000% at a frequency of 1.0 Hz (left)and recovery from the deformation (right). i) Gand Gunder alternating cyclic strain changes between 1% and 200% oscillation strain.


Figure 3. a) Self-healing capacity of PMP hydrogel. b,c) Tensile stress-strain curves and HE of cutting-off PMP hydrogel with various healing times. df) Adhesion performance of hydrogels to different materialssurfaces. g) Adhesive strength of hydrogels to different material surfaces, insert: schematic for testing the adhesion of hydrogels.


Figure 4. a) The electrical conductivity of PMP hydrogels. b) Relative resistance variation and LED luminance change of PMP hydrogel in the stretching process. c) Resistance changes of PMP hydrogel during cyclic cutting-healing tests. df) Photographs of various circuits constructed by linked LED lights with PMP hydrogel. g,h) Demonstration of a PMP hydrogel-based touch screen pen used for dialing a phone number and drawing a picture.


Figure 5. a) Schematic illustration of the PMP hydrogel-based capacitive sensor. b) Relative capacitance changes of PCSS as a function of strain. c) Comparison between PCSS and reported capacitive sensor in terms of the GF and working range. d,e) Relative capacitance changes under repeated loading-unloading tests at different strains and frequencies. f) Relative capacitance changes during the cyclic 0o to 360o tortile tests. g) Relative capacitance changes of PCSS under repeated loading-unloading tests at a strain of 100%.


Figure 6. ad) Relative capacitance changes obtained from the motions of a finger, elbow, knee, and wrist bending. eg) Relative capacitance changes collected from throat, cheek-bulging, and pulse.

Figure 7. a) Schematic illustration of the PMP hydrogel-based supercapacitors. CV curves of PMPSC under difffferent voltage windows with b) a scan rate of 100 mV s1 and c) difffferent scan rates within the potential window of 00.6 V. d) GCD curves at difffferent current densities. e) Cycling stability of PMPSC at a current density of 2 mA g1, with the 1990th to 2000th cycles shown as inset.


总之,作者通过物理球磨和原位聚合工艺的结合,开发出了一种具有优异拉伸性和自愈能力的超韧导电 PMP 水凝胶技术。OD PPy 纳粒子和2DMXene 纳米片材在三维 PVA水凝胶网络中实现了均匀分散,从而使所制备的 PMP 水凝胶具有出色的拉伸性(拉伸应变高达 4300%)和导电性。通过启动混合体系中 -OH NH 基团之间的动态可逆硼酸盐酯键连接,PMP 水凝胶显示出卓越的自愈合和自粘能力,120 s后的自愈合效率高达100%。这种具有弹性和柔韧性的 PCSS 用作可穿戴电容式应变传感器,用于精确监测各种人体生理信号,包括关节弯曲和运动、面部表情甚至人体脉搏。此外,PMP 水凝胶还可用作组装超级电容器的电极材料,具有良好的性能,为可穿戴电子设备、人机界面和人工智能的应用提供了新的途径。


A Simple and Effective Physical Ball-Milling Strategy to Prepare Super-Tough and Stretchable PVA@MXene@PPy Hydrogel for Flexible Capacitive Electronics




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