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2023/8/2 16:06:55  阅读:36 发布者:


About the Project

The transportation infrastructure is currently facing challenges from ever-changing disruption scenarios and unpredictability, particularly with the uncertainties brought on by climate change and natural hazards. However, most financial analysis tools used to support decision-makers in planning are benefit-cost based, often overlooking these uncertainties. Consequently, there is a resistance to making upfront investments when risks are perceived to be low and long-term benefits are unclear.

This PhD opportunity aims to address these issues by developing a resilience-driven planning approach that improves the robustness of investment decisions for future changes in Aotearoa New Zealand's transportation systems. To achieve this goal, the focus will be on adapting existing resilience assessment frameworks, originally designed for critical infrastructures, to the transportation systems facing uncertainties. By doing so, a more realistic and tractable assessment framework will be created, allowing for the investigation of optimal resilience enhancement strategies.

This position is fully funded by Te Hiranga Rū QuakeCoRE (NZ Centre for Earthquake Resilience), which creates a national collaboratory, promoting a stimulating, supportive, and productive environment for researchers. This research project has been planned within an interdisciplinary program. More information can be found here: http://www.quakecore.nz/research-qc2/ip3/

 What we are looking for in a successful applicant:

· Background in Transportation Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, or a similar area.

· Good knowledge of mathematical optimization and transportation systems. Experience with transportation simulation or modelling is an advantage.

· Proficiency in programming skills (e.g., C++/Python/MATLAB/Fortran).

· Strong interests in resilience engineering and willingness to work in a multidisciplinary international team.

Supervisory Team:

Supervisor: Dr. Yi Wang (Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury)

External co-supervisor: Prof. Seosamh Costello (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland)

Application Procedure:

To apply for this position, please submit the following documents to Dr. Yi WANG via y.wang@canterbury.ac.nz:

· A short research proposal (max 4 pages excluding references) that outlines the scope and significance of your idea and explains how you plan to research it.

· A short curriculum vitae (CV, max 2 pages).

· Relevant academic transcript(s).

· English publications and theses (if available).

Please note: The position may be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found.



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