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2023/7/26 10:55:27  阅读:34 发布者:


About the Project

The Hospital of the University of Munich, Germany, is one of the largest and most competitive university hospitals in Germany and Europe. 49 specialized hospitals, departments and institutions harbouring excellent research and education provide patient care at the highest medical level with around 11.000 employees.

The Institut für Schlaganfall- und Demenzforschung on the Campus Großhadern invites applications for the department AG Benakis on the October 1st 2023, in full time, for a PhD student position in the Gut-Brain Axisresearch field (m/f/d).

Scope of duties

We offer an exciting PhD position in the field of the gut-brain axis at the Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research Munich (ISD), in the Benakis Lab on the interaction of the gut microbiota with immune cells in stroke (Benakis et al., Nat Med. 2016). Our vision is to develop new therapies targeting the microbiota-gut immune system for brain diseases to improve recovery.

Our requirements

We are looking for a PhD candidate with a masters degree in Neuroscience, Biology or Immunology who is interested in joining a team of passionate scientists. The applicant needs to have experience with mouse handling (LAS certificate) and flow cytometry. Additional knowledge in related methods such as bioinformatics, programming languages (Python, R) and microbiology are of advantage. Excellent oral and writing skills in English are essential, as the working language in the lab and with collaborators is English. We are particularly interested in a creative and critical-minded candidate who is also a team player.

Our offer

This position is offered from October 1st 2023 for three years. As an equal opportunity employer, LMU Klinikum explicitly encourages applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university. In addition we offer further education and training, company pension scheme, childcare services, mobile work (if suitable), job ticket, discounts and staff accommodation.

Remuneration is based on the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Länder (TV-L) including all allowances customary in the public sector.

Disabled persons will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification. Presentation costs cannot be refunded. For further information please contact Dr. Corinne Benakis, phone: +49 89 4400-46205.



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