加州大学圣地亚哥分校全球政策与战略学院的贾瑞雪教授分享她于2016年发表在经济学顶级期刊 Econometrica 上关于科举与政治稳定的文章。
以下是贾瑞雪教授分享的 Elite Recruitment and Political Stability: The Impact of the Abolition of China's Civil Service Exam 这篇文章的创作历程。
1. 如何想到这个研究问题并呈现为一个经济学问题的?
2. 有关中国的研究经常会在外部有效性或者重要性上遭受质疑,您是如何把这个研究变成一个大家都感兴趣的研究的?
3. 这篇文章具有如此重大影响力的主要原因是什么?
4. 这篇文章写作与修改过程中最大的挑战是什么?
5. 内生性处理和工具变量选择上有遇到什么问题吗?
6. 在修改环节有没有遇到特别麻烦的审稿人的质疑?
7. 给对经济史感兴趣的年轻学者的一些建议,他们在开始经济史研究前要做好什么功课?
8. 系统性接触经济史的相关读物推荐
Q1: The idea is super interesting and cool, how did you identify this question and frame it into a general economic question?
Qin: Let’s begin with the first question. The research question itself is super interesting and cool. It’s a question that has been studied by historians, right? So how did you identify this question and frame it into a general economic question?
贾:好的,我就大概说一下整个过程。我一直都对社会运动以及政治运动的兴起和传播非常感兴趣。你可以想象,历史的前进通常是由这些运动推动的。什么样的人组织了这些运动、大家为什么要参与,一直是我很感兴趣的问题。因为对这些感兴趣,所以我在学生时期研究了一下农民起义。当时就觉得,如果有一些个人层面的研究会更有意思。个人到底受到什么样的影响?答案肯定是非常复杂的:有一些是出于个人的利益;有一些是随波逐流,还有一些是其他各种各样的原因。当时研究农民起义的时候,觉得可能有意思的一个事情是废除科举之后大家的选择,隐约有了这个想法。有一次和施新政师兄聊天,我告诉他我这个想法,然后他告诉我白营师兄已经收集了科举的数据。我就写邮件问了问白营,了解到他当时收集科举数据是想研究这个制度对人力资本的影响,我就提议可以从这个政治经济的角度思考一下。当时就觉得这个问题和经济学的文献的联系也非常之紧密。学生时代学过Benabou & Ok的一篇有趣的论文,讲社会流动性对再分配需求的影响。文章说的是在一个社会,如果个人觉得自己的后代更有流动性的机会,那也许他们这个通过税收的重新分配要求反而偏低。它是一篇理论的文章,当时学的时候就觉得,在中国这种社会,因为没有投票机制,很难研究对再分配的需求。同时,这种需求可能会反映到其它的层面上,包括在极端的情况下可能会有一些革命,斗争,或者抗议。当时想到这个题目的时候就很容易想到经济学里面的文献。总的来说,可能没有什么很直接的过程。其中也有一些偶然的因素,比如说我为什么会知道白营收集科举的数据,完全是因为和另外一个同行聊天的时候说起来。后来就因为这个文章,又渐渐地和白营有了一些其他的合作。因为比较合得来,就继续一起写了其他的文章。
Jia: I have always been interested in social and political movements and their spread. The progress of history is usually driven by these movements. It is always my interest to understand who organized these movements and why people participated in them. When I was a graduate student, I did some research on peasant uprisings. At that time, I thought that it would be more interesting if I could do some research at the individual level. It must be a complicated issue: some joined for individual interest; some followed others. I had a vague idea about the choices of individuals after the abolition of Keju, China’s Civil Service Exam. When I told Xinzheng Shi about this idea, he told me that Ying Bai had collected the data on Keju. I emailed Ying Bai and proposed to study this question together. I knew that this question is closely related to economic literature. For instance, in Social Mobility and the Demand for Redistribution, Benabou & Ok point out that voters might be less likely to demand high tax rates if their children are more likely to become rich. It is not easy to study the demand for redistribution in a society like China, due to the absence of voting. Nevertheless, the demand might be reflected in other aspects, including revolutions and rebellions in extreme circumstances. In short, the production of a paper may not be a linear process, and there can be some accidental factors. When working on this project, Ying Bai and I got along well, and we have become close collaborators ever since.
Q2: China research is often challenged on its external validity or significance. How did you frame it into research of general interest?
Jia: I didn’t prepare any specific answers, so you can go ahead and ask more if you like.
秦:对,我还想继续提问。因为很多时候我们做这个中国的研究, 大家可能会比较质疑你的一些外部有效性的问题,或者说为什么这个东西很重要。你们在文章写作的过程里有没有提前想一下怎么把它变成一个大家都感兴趣的研究?
Qin: Sure, I do want to continue. I wonder if you had thought about how to frame it into research of general interest in the process of writing, because you might know that for China research, reviewers are likely to challenge you on some problems, like external validity, or on its significance.
贾:是。一旦这个和流动性联系起来,我觉得这个文章是比较容易让大家感兴趣的。不是所有的文章都这样,包括我和白营后来写的文章,其实也不一定会这么容易。这个相对是一个比较容易的题目,因为它比较清晰。而且大家在别的社会、在别的运动当中也会发现有类似的现象。有时候我看到别人引用这个文章讨论的社会问题,我自己也都没有想到。比如说我看到好像Foreign Policy还是哪一个期刊还引用了我们的文章反思美国现在的精英选拔体制。我自己都没有想说一定要对现代有多大的影响。这也是后面可能要讨论的给年轻人的建议:有的问题你可以有直觉这是否很具有一般性。如果是的时候,这个文章相对比较容易写作和发表。但不是所有的文章都如此,我们俩其他的文章其实也会更纠结一些。
Jia: Because the question is closely related to social mobility, it is fairly easy to motivate. This is not true for all of our papers ���. This article is relatively easier to motivate, since the story is clear, and readers often find similar situations in other contexts. Sometimes I came across references to this paper in contexts that I have never thought of before, such as the reflection on meritocracy in the U.S. nowadays. In general, you have an intuition about whether your question is of general interest. When it is, the paper is usually relatively easy to write (and to get published). Not all our papers are so smooth though, some are a little bit rougher.
Q3: From your perspective, what are the main reasons that make this paper a high impact research?
秦:明白,好的。对,这篇文章我觉得社会影响力非常大,光香樟好像就推送了很多次你们文章的介绍,还有各种媒体的介绍。Google Scholar上的引用也非常的高,虽然你们的文章才发表5年,但是现在已经将近200次引用了吧。您之后有没有总结过为什么这篇文章会得到那么大的关注,为什么它会成为高影响力的研究?
Qin: Well. In my point of view, this paper is highly impactful, being published on CEC blog and other media for many times. Its number of citation at Google Scholar is great for a 5-year-published paper, nearly 200 now. Therefore, from your perspective, what are the main reasons that make this paper a high impact research?
Jia: I didn’t think about it before, but what comes to my mind first is that this logic is relatively general and relevant to other social and political movements, though every movement itself is indeed complicated. For example, during the French Revolution, lawyers, professionals, and other new economic elites were frustrated about their prospects in society. For readers interested in China, they know that Keju is a very important institution worth studying. For junior scholars who want to study China who read my paper, they might feel encouraged that there is a way to conduct research on Keju, the Revolution of 1911, or other important historical events in their minds. I would be extremely happy if the paper has encouraged some young scholars to work on economic history in China.
Qin: You make a new gap and attract more research.
Jia: Exactly.
Q4: In your opinion, what was the greatest challenge during the writing and revision of this paper?
Qin: The next question is: What was the greatest challenge during the writing and revision of this paper?
Jia: The challenges of this paper are similar to those of other papers. One is that history is complicated. There were various revolutionary groups, and individuals’ motivation to join these group must be varied. There are also various opinions on the significance of Keju in the late Qing period. Therefore, there’s a lot of self-doubt in this process: Does our story really matter? What if it was driven by other factors? Can we test alternative channels? We have been always discussing these issues. We do not want to say that the prospect of moving upward is the only factor, but in economic research, we need to show one mechanism clearly. In fact, we also found that there were other factors that mattered: modern human capital in the form of those studying in Japan also contributed to the revolution and that social capital strengthened the effect of the abolition. It is always a challenge how to write this complicated story clearly and briefly. As always, we had to rewrite the paper many times.
Qin: So in other words, you want to rule out all the other possibilities without making yourself captious and dulling the readers, right?
Jia: Exactly, especially for readers in economics. You know that it's really complicated: many factors worked together in most cases.
Q5: What were challenges when you dealed with endogeneity and chose instrument variables?
Qin: Did you have some challenges when you dealed with endogeneity? You used the number of small rivers as an instrument variable (IV), which is not such an obvious choice for me.
贾:嗯,是有的,当时我们甚至还用了两个工具变量。但实际上最初就是觉得因为我们是用府的配额 -- 这个府的配额是每个县加总起来的,每个县有自己很严格的规定。我们想看同样的府由于不同县的数目导致的不同,自然地就想到了这个方法。这个工具变量是文献中有的,只是说它和我们的机制不一样。在中国的情况下,县不是以河流作为边界,而是通常包含河流。虽然是同样一个工具变量,但是背后有不同的机制。我倒是觉得这个文章被接受和这个工具变量本身没有特别大的关系。这个研究使用的是一个相对比较干净的面板数据,工具变量更多是一个稳健性检验。因为是一个有趣的工具变量,可能使得文章读起来有意思,但没有特别影响整个文章。
Jia: Sure, we had. In fact, we even used 2 IVs. Initially, we used the quota value for each prefecture as an IV, which is the sum of the quota for each county in a prefecture. Because the county-level quota followed strict roles, the number of counties in each prefecture creates useful variation. Naturally, we thought of the number of small rivers to instrument for the number of counties. This IV was used in other studies before, by assuming that rivers serve as county borders. In China, however, rivers are contained in counties instead of serving as borders. Thus, although IVs are the same, they work through different mechanisms. I doubt that the acceptance of this paper has much to do with the IV. The main finding based on standard panel datasets is clean enough, and the IV results are useful robustness checks. Of course, an interesting IV may make the paper slightly more interesting to read.
Qin: I see, it’s DID setting that plays the most important role.
Jia: Yeah.
Q6: In your memory, did your reviewers give you some tough challenges in the process of revision?
Qin: Did you have any tough challenges from your reviewers?
Jia: Hard to tell. Every paper faces challenges, and this one is no exception. Although we had thought about various alternative channels, the referees still offered some other possibilities. For example, there is indeed an argument that the Keju system was not so important as we suppose today because of office selling. We knew it before actually, but still re-considered it with some data in our revisions. In addition, the Russo-Japanese War is another factor we did not consider in our earlier version. Overall, I feel that the referee’s questions were similar to those we were worried about before, but we might not have discussed other channels in that much depth, such as what happened around 1905. We made it as explicit as possible in the revisions. I believe the challenge itself is constructive. We were worried whether our paper is too long and were happy to get more space to explain ourselves more clearly.
Qin: Ruling out the intervention from other historic events was still the greatest challenge.
Jia: You’re right.
Q7: Do you have any advice for junior scholars who are interested in economic history? What should be the "to-do" list if a junior scholar would like to seriously start doing research in economic history?
Qin: Okay, thank you for your in-depth answers, I have no more questions for this article. The last question is that do you have any advice for junior scholars who are interested in economic history? What should be the "to-do" list if a junior scholar would like to seriously start doing research in economic history? I hear a lot from people I know recently that they might not start to do something interesting, many of which are about economic history, until getting tenured. Personally, I think the reason why people are likely to do this research after being tenured is that this is an area which is extremely interesting but with very high entry costs (e.g. data collection/extensive readings on literature by historians etc.). I wonder if you could give some advice to these people and make it easier for them to embark on projects they are interested in before being tenured.
贾:这个答案取决于不同的研究阶段。首先,如果是第一篇文章的话,就做吧。第一篇文章不需要想太多,就是有一个感兴趣的问题,去做。不要怕去收集数据。我觉得有时候说我等到拿到终身职位之后做,其实是说让学生帮我收集数据是吗 ���,这种就失去了它最初的乐趣啦。最初其实自己去收集数据本身是一个有趣的事情,你能在这个过程中学到很多东西,知道很多资料。我不确定说等你拿到了终身教职,把工作全部委托给别人做是一件好事。然后,要小心选题。现在经济学鼓励研究自然实验,中国的历史这么长,可能有非常多的自然实验。但是年轻人有时候可能只是突然发现某个数据,就去收集。其实研究问题本身没有想的特别清楚。有时候你要问一下自己,我一定要用历史的数据来研究这个问题吗?我们毕竟不是历史学家,还是想研究一些经济学的问题对吧?这样的话其实很多问题依赖现代数据,可能更容易研究,不一定非得要用历史的数据。有时候可能要问一下自己,为什么一定要用历史的数据?有时候和一些年轻人聊起来,会觉得你如果花这么多功夫,最后研究的问题可能真的只是对历史掌故有兴趣的人感兴趣的话,会觉得花了那么多精力有点可惜。我们不是历史学家,这是一方面。但另外一方面,你如果又坚持做经济史,还是要多读一点东西,不能说我看了一本书就提出一个假说,然后就收集一个数据去检验某个历史学家说过的一句话。我觉得那样也是有点危险。反正就是两方面衡量吧,一方面,研究的还是经济学的问题,但另一方面又的确意识到自己毕竟不是历史学家,所以真的要多读一点。很有可能很多事情是历史上的一个争论。我觉得这是好事,也是为什么去研究可能会有意义,能有一点点自己的见解。
Jia: It depends on your research stage. First, if this is your first paper, just do it. You don’t need to think too much, just work on it if it’s an interesting question for you. Don’t be intimated by data collection. Some might think they can ask students to help collect data after being tenured, but in my opinion, it loses the original pleasure of doing economic history research. The process of collecting data is interesting itself, in which you will learn a lot and you know how to do research. I am not sure whether it is a good idea to delegate everything to others. Secondly, be picky in research topics. We are the generation of “natural experiments” in our training, and there might be countless natural experiments in the long history of China. Some junior scholars might come across some data and start research on a whim, without considering the question thoroughly. Sometimes you should ask yourself: is it necessary to use historical data? After all, we are not historians, and we do economics research. If using rich contemporary data can answer your research question, you should ask yourself why you have to use historical data. I feel sad to observe that some junior scholars spend much time and effort but end up researching a topic in which only fans of historical stories would be interested in. Third, I suggest reading as much as possible. It’s risky to generate a hypothesis and collect data to test a statement of someone hastily by reading one mere book. In short, on the one hand, we are doing research in economics; on the other hand, because we are not professional historians, we need to read and learn more.
Q8: Do you have any suggestions about what should we read if we want to approach economic history systematically?
Qin: Now that you mention that testing one hypothesis by reading one mere book is not recommended, I wonder if you have any suggestions about what we should read if we want to approach economic history systematically?
Jia: I don’t have very general suggestions. You can certainly read some general and introductory texts, such as the Cambridge History of China. Usually, once I become interested in one specific topic, I try to go through all books I can find. Of course, I read some more carefully than others.
Qin: Do you read academic articles published by historians?
Jia: Still depends on the topic. For example, Ying Bai and I have completed a paper on the Hunan Army. On this topic, we came across related articles written by historians. In general, I will read almost all of the texts I can find, no matter books or articles, in Chinese or in English.
Qin: Do you have any other advice?
Jia: Coming back to choosing topics, you should talk with different people about your research question because different people have different views. Your supervisor might think it is interesting, or might not, but taking to more people is often very helpful.
Qin: Thank you very much for your sharing today.
Bai, Ying, and Ruixue Jia. "Elite Recruitment and Political Stability: The Impact of the Abolition of China's Civil Service Exam." Econometrica 84.2 (2016): 677-733.
Benabou, Roland, and Efe A. Ok. "Social Mobility and the Demand for Redistribution: The Poum Hypothesis." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 116.2 (2001): 447-487.
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