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Sci. Reports丨在稻麦轮作下,生物炭控制的是作物产量,而不是稻田的温室气体排放

2023/7/20 15:49:41  阅读:33 发布者:






水稻(Oryza sativa L.)是包括中国在内的大多数亚洲国家重要的主要粮食作物。使用农作物秸秆中的生物炭已被证明可以提高水稻产量和氮素利用效率,同时减少温室气体排放。然而,也有甲烷排放量在短期内增加的情况。生物炭对作物生长和产量、土壤性质、金属固定化和温室气体减排的影响在亚洲国家得到了广泛的研究。目前尚不清楚可提取池是否操纵生物炭在作物生长、土壤肥力和温室气体排放方面的功能,从而限制了生物炭在亚洲国家水稻农业中使用的扩大。



Table 1. Basic properties and composition of the studied biochar with and without extraction. TOC, total organic carbon; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; TN, total nitrogen; MBB, bulk maize biochar; MBE, extracted maize biochar; WBB, bulk wheat biochar; WBE,extracted wheat biochar.

Table 2. Relative changes over control in soil physical and chemical properties under amendment of biochar with and without extraction. MBB, bulk maize biochar; MBE, extracted maize biochar; WBB, bulk wheat biochar; WBE, extracted wheat biochar. Lowcase letters indicate difference between bulk and extracted biochar from a single feedstock, and capital letters indicate difference between maize and wheat biochar for a single extraction treatment, respectively.

Table 3. Relative change over control in plant traits and grain yield under amendment of biochar with and without extraction. TGW , thousand grain weight; LAI, leaf area index; MBB, bulk maize biochar; MBE, extracted maize biochar; WBB, bulk wheat biochar; WBE, extracted wheat biochar. Lowcase letters indicate difference between bulk and extracted biochar from a single feedstock, and capital letters indicate difference between maize and wheat biochar for a single extraction treatment, respectively.

Table 4. Relative change over control in root morphology under amendment of biochar with and without extraction. MBB, bulk maize biochar; MBE, extracted maize biochar; WBB, bulk wheat biochar; WBE, extracted wheat biochar. Lowcase letters indicate difference between bulk and extracted biochar from a single feedstock, and capital letters indicate difference between maize and wheat biochar for a single extraction treatment, respectively.

Table 5. Tot a l C O2, CH4, and N2O emissions, and total global warming potential (nonCO2 GWP; kg·ha1) and greenhouse gas intensity GHGI (kg·t1 of rice wheat produced) from the rice-wheat growing season after under amendment of biochar with and without extraction. Non-CO2 GWP , global warming potential calculated of non-CO2 gas emissions; GHGI, greenhouse gas intensity, calculated with non-CO2 GWP on the basis of yield; MBB, bulk maize biochar; MBE, extracted maize biochar; WBB, bulk wheat biochar; WBE, extracted wheat biochar. Lowcase letters indicate difference between bulk and extracted biochar from a single feedstock, and capital letters indicate difference between maize and wheat biochar for a single extraction treatment, respectively.


Table 6. Annual global warming potential ((non-CO2 GWP; t C·ha1·year1), yield (t·ha1) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI; t C·t1 grain yield year1) of the rice-winter wheat cropping rotation system under amendment of biochar with and without extraction. Non-CO2 GWP , Global warming potential, calculated of non-CO2 gas emissions; GHGI, greenhouse gas intensity, calculated with non-CO2 GWP on the basis of yield; MBB, bulk maize biochar; MBE, extracted maize biochar; WBB, bulk wheat biochar; WBE, extracted wheat biochar. Lowcase letters indicate difference between bulk and extracted biochar from a single feedstock, and capital letters indicate difference between maize and wheat biochar for a single extraction treatment, respectively.

Figure 1. Correlation of increase in soil available phosphorus to increase in leaf area index (LAI) (a) and to increase in thousand grains weight (TGW) (b) of rice (blue circle) and wheat (black circle) with biochar amendment.


在本研究中,研究了提取液对水稻和小麦种植体系中生物炭性能的影响。玉米和小麦分别在20 t·ha - 120 t·ha - 1条件下进行单次改良,土壤呼吸没有显著变化,但土壤质量和作物性能普遍提高。与提取的生物炭相比,未提取的生物炭改良剂提高了土壤肥力和作物生产力,同时没有温室气体排放。这一变化支持了未提取生物炭中可溶解的OC组分和丰富的有效磷的影响。因此,在解决生物炭在农业中的作用时,从作物残渣中热解的可提取生物炭池可以被认为是土壤肥力和作物生产力的关键参与者。未来的研究应重点关注生物炭改性土壤中微生物群落结构变化与碳循环之间的相互作用,以实现生物炭在农业中的有价值利用。



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