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Npj Comput. Mater.: 原子间固有的游戏规则—设计人工智能材料

2023/7/19 17:15:04  阅读:60 发布者:


Fig. 1 Analysis of rediscovered materials.



Fig. 2 The distribution of formation energy for 1863 materials and energy above hull for 1579 materials.

来自美国南卡罗莱纳大学的计算机科学与工程系的胡建军教授和机械工程系的胡明教授团队,尝试将大热的人工智能生成技术用于晶体材料结构的生成,提出一种利用基于物理信息的深度学习算法进行具有对称性约束的晶体材料的生成式设计方法,利用Materials ProjectICSDOQMD等材料数据集中的已知晶体结构训练及验证生成模型PGCGM,并大批量生成了通过DFT第一性原理计算检验的新晶体结构。


Fig. 3 The comparison of lattice parameters P* generation performance for 20 space groups and space groups in cubic system.



Fig. 4 The structures of Mg2GaIr, SrYO6 and ZnTe2S6 and their corresponding DFT calculated properties.


Fig. 5 The overview of physics guided crystal generative model (PGCGM).

这一利用深度学习融入约束来进行更有效搜索的化腐朽(约束)为神奇(有利)的思路,在其他工程设计、分子设计、蛋白质设计、药物设计等领域都有巨大应用潜力。该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 938(2023),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF


Physics guided deep learning for generative design of crystal materials with symmetry constraints

Yong Zhao, Edirisuriya M. Dilanga Siriwardane,  Zhenyao Wu,  Nihang Fu,  Mohammed Al-Fahdi,  Ming Hu & Jianjun Hu

Discovering new materials is a challenging task in materials science crucial to the progress of human society. Conventional approaches based on experiments and simulations are labor-intensive or costly with success heavily depending on expertsheuristic knowledge. Here, we propose a deep learning based Physics Guided Crystal Generative Model (PGCGM) for efficient crystal material design with high structural diversity and symmetry. Our model increases the generation validity by more than 700% compared to FTCP, one of the latest structure generators and by more than 45% compared to our previous CubicGAN model. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations are used to validate the generated structures with 1869 materials out of 2000 are successfully optimized and deposited into the Carolina Materials Database www.carolinamatdb.org, of which 39.6% have negative formation energy and 5.3% have energy-above-hull less than 0.25 eV/atom, indicating their thermodynamic stability and potential synthesizability.



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