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2023/7/14 11:08:54  阅读:35 发布者:


About the Project

PhD student in Soft Neural Electrodes

Your work assignments

The PhD student will develop a novel neural interface technology based on soft and deformable conductors and functional materials. The research will include materials and devices based on soft and elastic electronic composite materials to facilitate close integration with neural tissue and thereby enabling the translation between biological and electronic signals. Typical composite materials comprise metallic nanomaterials and soft elastomers. The PhD studies will include laser processing of materials and components in a cleanroom facility, together with the characterization of electrical/mechanical material properties and device performance. Applications of the developed technology will be explored in collaboration with external partners. The work is part of an ERC CoG project and will be highly collaborative.

As a doctoral student, you devote most of your time to doctoral studies and the research projects of which you are part. Your work may also include teaching or other departmental duties, up to a maximum of 20% of full-time.

Your qualifications

You have graduated at Masters level in material science, biomedical engineering, nanoscience, applied physics, or a related field, or completed courses with a minimum of 240 credits, at least 60 of which must be in advanced courses. Alternatively, you have gained essentially corresponding knowledge in another way.

Stretchable electronics experience is a merit. Desirable personal skills and traits for the position are highly motivated, ambitious, problem solving skills and teamwork ability. Research at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics is carried out predominantly in English, so relative fluency is favorable.

Great emphasis will be placed on personal qualities and suitability

Your application must be received at latest 2023-08-31

Applications and documents received after the date above will not be considered.

The following documents must be submitted:

1. Cover letter, max 1 page, describing your background, research interests and what makes you interested in the position.

2. CV, max 4 pages, including contact details to three reference persons.

3. Copy of passport, MSc diploma (if available), and MSc transcripts with grades (if available).



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