2023/7/10 15:13:45 阅读:66 发布者:
近日,我们耳熟能详的美国经济学家,经济学经典教科书作者曼昆(N Gregory Mankiw)教授,与其合作者约翰霍普金斯大学经济学劳伦斯-鲍尔(Laurence Ball) 教授在经济学领域国际顶级期刊The Review of Economic Studies上发表了题为” Market Power in Neoclassical Growth Models”的最新论文。
This article examines the optimal accumulation of capital and the effects of government debt in neoclassical growth models in which firms have market power and therefore charge prices above marginal cost. In this environment, the real interest rate earned by savers is less than the net marginal product of capital. We establish a new method for evaluating dynamic efficiency that can be applied in such economies. A plausible calibration suggests that the wedge between the real interest rate and the marginal product of capital is about 4 percentage points and that the US economy is dynamically efficient. In addition, government Ponzi schemes can have different implications for welfare than they do under competition. Even if the government can sustain a perpetual rollover of debt and accumulating interest, the policy may nonetheless reduce welfare by depressing steady-state capital and aggregate consumption. These findings suggest that even with low interest rates, as have been observed recently, fiscal policymakers should still be concerned about the crowding-out effects of government debt.
N·格里高利·曼昆(N. Gregory Mankiw)1958年2月3日出生,美国著名经济学家,29岁成为哈佛大学历史上最年轻的终身教授之一,著有《经济学原理》,《宏观经济学》等经典教材,并在The Quarterly Journal Of Economics(QJE)、The American Economic Review(AER)等重要的经济学国际顶刊上发表若干学术论文。