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马旺林 Puneet Vatsa 郑宏运等:信息通讯技术的采用是否减少了客观和主观幸福感的不平等?来自中国的证据

2023/7/10 9:59:15  阅读:42 发布者:

Wanglin Ma, Puneet Vatsa, Hongyun Zheng*, Emmanuel Donkor & Victor Owusu (2023). Does Adoption of Information and Communication Technology Reduce Objective and Subjective Well-Being Inequality? Evidence from China. Social Indicators Research (2023). first online



摘要:互联网、智能手机、平板电脑等信息通讯技术(ICT)的普及程度显著提高。本研究使用2018年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,研究了ICT采用如何影响客观和主观幸福感的不平等。我们采用基尼系数来衡量客观的幸福不平等(收入不平等和消费不平等), 并使用方差来衡量主观的幸福不平等(幸福不平等和生活满意度不平等)。运用两阶段残差代入法来解决ICT采用的内生性问题。结果表明,ICT采用显著降低了收入和消费不平等。主观幸福感的研究结果喜忧参半:ICT采用减少了幸福不平等,而它不影响生活满意度不平等。此外,收入不平等并不影响主观幸福感;然而,消费不平等与幸福不平等呈正相关关系。

Abstract: The adoption of information and communication technology (ICT), such as the Internet, smartphones, and tablets, has increased markedly. The present study examines how this adoption affects objective and subjective well-being inequality, using the 2018 China Family Panel Studies data. We employ the Gini coefficient to measure objective well-being inequality indicators (income inequality and consumption inequality) and the variance to measure subjective well-being inequality indicators (happiness inequality and life-satisfaction inequality). The two-stage residual inclusion approach is utilized to address the endogeneity of ICT adoption. The results show that ICT adoption significantly lowers income and consumption inequality. The findings for subjective well-being are mixed: ICT adoption reduces happiness inequality, whereas it does not influence life-satisfaction inequality. Furthermore, income inequality does not influence subjective well-being; however, consumption inequality is positively associated with happiness inequality.




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