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2023/7/5 11:32:20  阅读:37 发布者:


About the Project

This is an exciting opportunity to be part of a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network (TOAST* https://www.toast-dn.eu ), consisting of 10 PhD students (3 of which will be hired by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at AU).

With the advancement of AI, it is possible to use AI techniques to predict the next movement of human and machine in real time for a given operation, particularly in repetitive or constrained environments. Accurate motion prediction can interpolate and extrapolate human and machine motions for reducing perceived E2E latency, even reducing the demand on E2E communication resources. Motion prediction is promising to address the instability in remote haptic interactions, thereby providing graceful service degradation in critical communication conditions.

This project aims to apply Deep Learning models to accurately predict human and robot motions in real-time using time-series data, thereby enabling dynamic network service provisioning in Tactile Internet. The project will identify the interactions between the Tactile Internet service and the network to enable dynamic adaptation and reconfiguration of the E2E service provisioning. This project will analyse the effect of missing data from single or multiple modalities due to packet loss or communication outage in the performance of the predictions and propose ways to increase robustness. The project will also study how to reduce the update rate of video and haptic control signals with motion prediction, while guaranteeing the user Quality of Experience and Quality of Task.

*The TOAST consortium comprises 7 leading research institutes across Europe (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain, and France) and 4 industrial stakeholders (Germany, Sweden, France and Italy). TOASTs mission is to train the next generation of doctoral candidates to tackle the critical challenges of Tactile Internet through interdisciplinary research.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network Program offers a highly competitive and attractive salary and working conditions.

Project description (½-4 pages): This document should describe your ideas and research plans for this specific project. If you wish to, you can indicate an URL where further information can be found.

Qualifications and specific competences:

Masters degree in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, Computer Science, or within a relevant area.

Background on machine learning and wireless communication system is desired.

Strong analytical skills, optimization techniques and programming skills are desired.

Experience in haptic technology and haptic application is a plus.

Excellent English verbal and written skills.

The candidates are eligible if they have not resided in Denmark for more than 12 months within the past 36 months.



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