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人大经院朱萸副教授合作论文在《Journal of Political Economy》上正式发表

2023/6/28 16:42:04  阅读:37 发布者:

近日,经济学院朱萸副教授合作论文《Bank Market Power and Central Bank Digital Currency: Theory and Quantitative Assessment》在《Journal of Political Economy》上正式发表。


This paper develops a micro-founded general equilibrium model of payments to study the impact of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) on intermediation of private banks. If banks have market power in the deposit market, a CBDC can enhance competition, raising the deposit rate, expanding intermediation, and increasing output. A calibration to the US economy suggests that a CBDC can raise bank lending by 1.57% and output by 0.19%. These crowding-in effects remain robust, albeit with smaller magnitudes, after taking into account endogenous bank entry. We also assess the role of a non-interest-bearing CBDC as the use of cash declines.



研究成果发表在《Journal of Political Economy》,《Journal of Econometrics》,《Review of Economic Dynamics》,《Quantitative Economics》,《Journal of Money Credit and Banking》,《Journal of Economics and Dynamic Control》等国际顶级经济学期刊上。



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