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2023/6/13 15:46:40  阅读:49 发布者:



近年来,各种半导体材料被用于构建神经形态计算的突触器件,包括金属氧化物,钙钛矿, 和低维材料。此外,有机半导体材料是制备大面积柔性集成光电子晶体管的理想材料,可以结合其固有的灵活性、轻质性、易加工性和通过分子设计调控性能的优势。其中,有机电化学突触品体管具有低电压、连续可调的记忆和生物应用的高兼容性等优点。以前的报道大多集中在电刺激和光刺激的有机突触器件上。然而,这些器件中大部分的信号读取仍然是电信号的。光学信号为突触的传输载体更适合于超高的计算速度,因为它具有独特的优势,包括高带宽、低功耗计算和低串扰。具有临时存储器的光学可读有机突触可以实时处理图像,这可以减少光子神经形态系统的时间延迟。然而,具有光学可读能力的有机突触装置仍未被开发。


光学可读有机突触器件在人工智能和光子神经形态计算方面都有很大的潜力。在此,中南大学阳军亮教授团队首次提出了一种新型的光可读有机电化学突触晶体管 (OR-OEST)策略。系统地研究了该器件的电化学掺杂机制,并成功实现了可通过光学手段读取的基本生物突触行为。此外,灵活的OR-OESTs 能够以非挥发性的方式电控切换半导体通道材料的透明度,因此可以通过光学读取实现多级记忆。最后,OR-OESTs 被开发用于光子图像的预处理,如对比度增强和去噪,并将处理后的图像输入人工神经网络,实现了 90%以上的识别率。总的来说,这项工作为光子神经形态系统的实现提供了一个新的策略。相关研究以“Optically Readable Organic Electrochemical Synaptic Transistors for Neuromorphic Photonic Image Processing”为题发表在Nano Letters上。


Figure 1. (a) Schematic of a biological synapse, where the communication between synapses occurs through the axonal propagation of action potentials and the release of neurotransmitters. (b) Schematic of the proposed ion-gel-gated P3HT-channel OR-OESTs. (c) Transmittance spectra of the P3HT films under electrical bias. Inset: optical microscopy images of an OR-OEST (the scale bar represents 2 mm). (d) Transmittance spectra of the P3HT films as a function of Vgs for different light wavelengths. (e, f) Optical transmittance of device excited by different Vgs.


Figure 2. (a) In situ Raman spectra of the P3HT film in its initial state and under 1, 2, and 3 V. (b) Cyclic voltammogram of the ion-gel-gated P3HT-channel organic electrochemical transistor. (c) Schematic energy level diagram of the device at different doping levels. (d) Schematic of the modulation mechanism of the device under different Vgs amplitudes.


Figure 3. (a) Optical EPSP responses as a function of the electrical pulse width (fixed Vgs = 3 V, Vds = 0.1 V). (b) Optical IPSP responses as a function of the electrical pulse width (fixed Vgs = 3 V, Vds = 0.1 V). (c) Optical EPSP responses triggered by electrical pulses of different amplitudes, ranging from 1 to 6 V (fixed pulse width of 4 s, Vds = 0.1 V). (d) Optical IPSP responses triggered by electrical pulses of different amplitudes, ranging from 1 to 6 V (fixed pulse width of 4 s, Vds = 0.1 V). (e) Optical EPSP and (f) IPSP responses triggered by a pair of electrical pulses separated by Δt = 5 s (fixed pulse width of 1 s, Vgs = 3 V for EPSP, and 3 V for IPSP, Vds = 0.1 V). Inset: PPF index and PPD index as a function of Δt. (g) Percentage change in the electromodulated transmittance during continuous switching cycles between the colored/bleached states.


Figure 4. (a) Photos of the flexible OR-OEST array attached to the human eyeball model. (b) Contrast enhancement achieved with a 5 × 5 OR-OEST array. (c) Results of output maps in the initial state and after pulse numbers of 10, 20, 45, and 70, respectively. (d) Schematics of the OR-OEST devices for photonic image denoising and an artificial neural network for photonic image recognition. (e) MNIST images with different noise factors before and after OR-OEST array preprocessing. (f) Comparison of the MNIST image recognition rate with and without OR-OEST array preprocessing at different Vgs amplitudes.


在这项研究中,作者首次提出了一种灵活的 OR-OEST。电解液中[ITFSI]-离子的电驱动运动改变了光和 P3HT薄膜之间的相互作用强度,从而允许对突触连接强度进行光学调节。所提出的OR-OEST 利用光学手段模仿了基本的生物突触行为。此外,作者利用所提出的 OR-OESTS阵列来实现光子图像预处理,特别是对比度增强和去噪。因此,该设备将为有机光子神经形态系统提供一个有前途的概念。


Optically Readable Organic Electrochemical Synaptic Transistors for Neuromorphic Photonic Image Processing




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