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2023/6/13 15:32:34  阅读:79 发布者:

以下文章来源于食品放大镜 ,作者文献解读


近日,四川大学华西医院Huali YeYunyi Liu(共同第一作者)、魏欣教授(通讯作者)和乐山市人民医院Zhike Xu在国际期刊《Molecule Nutrition and Food Research(Q1IF6.575)发表了题为“Fish Oil in Glaucoma Treatment: From Biological Functions to Clinical Potential”的封面综述。

青光眼是世界范围内引起视力下降的主要原因,多种风险因素影响其发病机制和进程,包括年龄、增加的眼内压 (IOP)、低级别炎症、氧化应激、眼血流不足等。目前,降IOP疗法是控制青光眼进程最有效方法。然而,由于不足反应和持续视网膜神经变性,结果往往不令人满意。近年来,一些研究报道鱼油(一种ω-3膳食补充剂)有益于青光眼患者,然而其功效和潜在机制仍然不清楚。有趣的是,青光眼患者具有更低的ω-3脂肪酸血液水平,特别是DHAEPA。患者饮食补充ω-3可能使脂肪酸水平正常,从而提升其作用。所以,鱼油可能是青光眼治疗研究一个新的关注领域。在该综述中,作者总结了鱼油中的活性成分在延缓青光眼发展中的作用,包括降低IOP、调节血液供应、缓解炎症和减少氧化应激。


Table 1. The roles of active ingredients in fish oil in delaying glaucoma development.

Fig.1 The potential mechanism by which omega-3 fatty acids lower IOP. In glaucoma, the aqueous humor outflow pathway is blocked, leading to high IOP and nerve damage. I: Omega-3 fatty acids suppress the development of cross-linked actin networks, which improves the aqueous outflow and reduces IOP. II: The metabolites of omega-3 fatty acids reduced inflammation in the trabecular and uveoscleral outflow pathways and subsequently promoted aqueous outflow. III: Omega-3 fatty acids influence the concentration of endogenous prostaglandin F to lower IOP.

Fig.2  The potential mechanism by which omega-3 fatty acids affects blood flow and red blood cells. I: Omega-3 fatty acids reduce blood viscosity and modulate optic nerve blood flow. II: EPA inhibits platelet aggregation and dilates blood vessels to irregular blood flow. III: Omega-3 fatty acids affect the membrane composition of RBCs. DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; PL, phospholipid; RBCs, red blood cells.

Fig.3 The potential mechanism by which omega-3 fatty acids alleviate inflammation. Microglia can polarize into M1 proinflammatory and M2 anti-inflammatory phenotypes. Omega-3 fatty acids can promote the shift of microglia from M1 to M2. Omega-3 fatty acids can antagonize the NF-κB pathway, which can facilitate the shift from M1 to M2 and decrease proinflammatory factors. Omega-3 fatty acids can promote the function of M2 macrophages to inhibit apoptosis and improve neurological functions. IL, interleukin; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; M1, macrophage M1; M2, macrophage M2; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-alpha.

Fig.4 The potential mechanism by which omega-3 fatty acids diminish oxidative stress. I: Omega-3 fatty acids have H2O2-mediated anti-proliferative/-metabolic antioxidant effects. II: Retinal neurons could elongate and desaturate EPA to synthesize DHA for neuroprotection. III: EPA rescues photoreceptors from apoptosis induced by hydrogen peroxide through the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway. IV: DHA promotes NPD1 production and inhibits oxidative stress, thereby promoting the survival of RPEs and PRCs. DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; Hsp90, heat shock protein 90; NPD1, neuroprotectin D1; PL, phospholipid; PRCs, photoreceptor cells; RPEs, retinal pigment epithelium cells.





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